February 4, 2012

2012 Scrapbook Intro Page & Weekly Challenge

I am so excited to start scrapping again! This is the introduction to my 2012 scrapbook. I used a black Creative Memories album that I had saved for years and love that look.... I feel like I have opened our heritage when I open this book with it's leather cover. The first page seems to set the stage... this book is bout Jim and I and focuses on our life and not our children. Yes they and our grandchildren are an intricate part but we are so much more that parents and grandparents. I love the romantic feel to the into page, don't you?
I want to thank all of you that have sent emails asking for layout pages. And I also have to thank Beatriz of Amazing Grace, Lori of Scrapin My Stress Away and Gaby of Gaby Creates for the awesome inspiration they are to me with their consistent sharing of their beautiful scrapbook pages. The whole reason I got my Cricut and Gypsy Woman was to make my scrapping easier. I couldn't believe that it has been months since I did some pages but I am going to try to do what Bea set her goals for 2 pages per month for her and hubby... I think that if very realistic and offers me the opportunity to make pages ahead of time and all I need to do is drop in the photos.
First I laid out the page on my Gypsy Woman, remembering to save each piece on a different page so I could do the separate color cuts. On the left you can see that I have welded the frame and the silhouette dancers together creating a base for my page. On the right I have the pieces laid out for a 2 color cut.

On the above photos you can see that all I did was copy and paste so that my layers would be in different colors.... so simple you just have to love it.

Just a quick little video showing how fast this page goes together. I doing a layout on the Gypsy or if you prefer Design Studio and Cricut Craft Room, because once you have the layout done all you do is cut and put together your pieces and you get a BEAUTIFUL PAGE! Love it!
This is a close up of the people.... See how I added bling for a necklace and also on her belt?

And this is a close up of the couple. I love it! So dramatic on the black pages.
Well I sure hope you enjoyed today's post. I know I enjoyed creating this page and sharing it with you. For the Gypsy file for this layout just click HERE.
I challenge you to make a layout this week and share it with us! I will be giving our a set of Studio 12 stamps to a person that links their page and another set to someone making a comment..... Random.org we love to use you!  Yes you can do both and you can link daily if you make that many pages!!! You must link your project by 4:00pm on Friday February 10 and the winner will be announced Saturday morning.
In the mean time have a blessed week!
Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement. Your comments continue to inspire me!


papillon digital design said...

What a cute layout and a great project you have set for yourself. And yes Beatrice and gaby are great and inspiring. TFS

Charlotte C said...

Lovely layout - you have inspired me to get back to my neglected scrapbooking.

Suzanne cricutcraftingrammyblogspot.com said...

Great idea to do a scrapbook of you and your husband. The layout and cuts are so cute. I love it! Will be back with a layout.

www.cricutcraftyclare.blogspot.com said...

Sheila, thanks for reminding me about the challenge! I gonna subscibe to posts so I don't miss any! Thanks!

Trudi said...

I too struggle with co-ordinations not cutting but on the E2 I have found if I choose "Heavy Paper" that it seems to cut 95% of it all. Since I use my machines daily I also checked the blade, and that type of paper does sometimes leave a little "fluff" on my blade and then it won't cut properly. Just a reminder to check for fluff frequently. LOL
PS Love your project and Saturday mornings with you, coffee and a gypsy women. TFS

Sandy from Ukiah said...

what a beautiful layout... i love how you added the pearls

JJewel said...

Very nice!! So romantic :)

Sandy from Ukiah said...

I didn't have time to watch your video the first time I stopped by... I always love to watch them... I have made a few of the creative memories albums for my boys using the black pages and yes they do look very very nice.. I love your first page...

Michele said...

Lovely! I really like that couple. I have avoided looking at new stuff for my cricut to save money but now I'm doomed... cuz I want! :)

thanks for the comments on my blog recently! I appreciate it!

Candy said...

This is a lovely and elegant page ... such a beautiful way to start an album! Very nice details, especially the bling on the lady! I think it's such a great idea to have a book dedicated to you and hubby !

Carol's Creations said...

Fabulous layout...I hope I get the chance to scrap this week, I've been itching to do another layout.

Annette said...

Such a pretty layout. I especially blue and the gems added to the lady. Very pretty:)

CathyinMN said...

Such a beautiful page! It's perfect for the cover page of your album of you and your DH. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

Bunnyfreak said...

Very elegant page.

Unknown said...

WOW!!! First of all, I am very honored that my layouts have inspired you. Second, I am so glad to hear you are making an ablum all about you and Jim because you two are the "Once upon a time" of your family story!!!

This page is gorgeous!!! Love the little bling :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful LO:)

Migdalia said...

Love it!Beautiful Layout!!!

SherriC. said...

that is a beautiful LO Sheila, I to bought my Expression to make scrapbooking easy, and I can't remember the last time I made a LO...
I will definitely try to get a page down this week, thank you for the inspiration

Sukie said...

Adorable layout. I love the elegant look of it. I am a layout person myself, however have found myself doing more projects and cards recently! I'm hoping to get one completed for your challenge!

GabyCreates.com said...

What great news to hear you are getting back to scrapbooking Sheila!!! I too am honored beyond words for the small part I played!
I love that this is all about you and your husband!! Can't wait to see more great romantic pages like this one! :)

Angi Barrs said...

Beautiful page. It reminds me of Cinderella and the prince. :)

Sunshine said...


TheTulipCollector said...

Thank you for the opportunity! I have so many scrapbooks to catch up on.