February 16, 2012

Felt Flowers

Hi! This is Gaby hoping you had a wonderful Valentine's Day!
Today I am sharing a little something I have been wanting to create for my grand daughters. Jasmine (almost nine years old) loves to wear headbands, and I have been seeing lots of cute headbands with felt flowers all over the Web, specially over at some Etsy shops and decided that I could create some headbands with felt flowers for her and Lauren (3 years old) to go with their Easter dresses this year.

I did not ask permission to post pictures but here is a link to an Etsy shop that offers some really pretty headbands using felt flowers-HERE-

And this is how I created mine....
First I tried a Spellbinders die and it did not work...
I proceeded to use a Sizzix die, and it work perfect.

Using the Sizzix die, I cut 5 (five) flowers.
Next I folded the flowers in quarters (these flowers became my petals).
I proceeded to stitch each "petal" at the bottom to close them up.
Here you can see the finished flower.  I attached or stitched all petals together at the bottom using needle and thread.  I am sure you can use a glue gun (I will try this method next time).
As a last step, I cut a small circle and attached (stitched) the flower to the headband.

This is a picture of the Spellbinders attempt gone wrong...
 And here is a picture of a flower cut using a stiffened felt which it works great, but it is a bit too stiff to look pretty in my opinion. 
The better the quality of the felt, the best result you will get.

This is my niece modeling for me (she had to include one of the Valentine treats I created so she can take to her 30 classmates! :)
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you get to create some pretty headbands for the little girls in your family!
I really recommend you check Etsy HERE  or just type "felt flowers" in the search window and you will really be amazing at the many gorgeous flowers made out of felt!  I really love the Hydrangea ones and the triple flower headbands!  I know I will be creating some of those to send to my grand daughters!

Thanks!  ~Gaby


Carolyn/MamaC said...

Wow! This is beautiful! Thank you for the tips and technique! Sweet little granddaughter, too!

Scrappin Rabbit Designs said...

I love felt flowers! The Tim Holtz tattered flower die works really well too. TFS. -Tami

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Gaby this is so adorable - these little flowers would look beautiful on cards too! Thanks for sharing this tutorial...beautiful!

Unknown said...

Thank you for such a detailed tutorial Gaby :)
Really pretty headband and what a cute little model :)
I'll give this a try myself sometime.

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Gaby what a wonderful project. Those flowers are just adorable and I know your grandaughter loved that you made the headband jsut for her! Awesome tutorial too. Thanks for sharing with us today.

Brenda said...

soooo pretty!!!! what awesome gifts these would make

Migdalia said...

Gaby, I love it idea!It is too cute and would make great gifts.Also I bet you can create the same flower and attach it to jewelry(like a necklace).

Cricut Couple said...

Very Cute Gaby! I need to get some felt and try some new things. I just keep forgetting to go down that isle at the store. Hee! Hee!

Java Jen's Creations said...

Beautiful headband!! So cute!!!

Unknown said...

Gaby this is beautiful!!!

I have trouble commenting on your blog Gaby, just wanted you to know I visit often :)

SherriC. said...

love this Gaby!!!!
I will definitely be trying these...

Audrey Frelx said...

Gaby, I love-love your felt flowers!!! I'll have to give these a try! TFS, my friend!

Sherrie K. said...

Awesome felt flowers Gaby!!! Cute idea-may have to try this:)
Sherrie K