February 15, 2012

Scrapbook Layouts

Hello Crafty Friends........
Sherri here from Sherri's Crafty Place and today is my day to post here at She's A Sassy Lady, and a few of our friends have asked for more Lay Outs.....so..........
I am posting a LO I made 2 years ago, unfortunately I wasn't sure I was even going to be able to post, I have had a very sad week........
a week ago today I lost my furbabie Brodie...it was just the saddest day, he was 13 and had been sick for only about a month, and we had to make the decision to put him down, it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do....he was the best dog, and just the love of my life, we rescued him when he was 2 from an abusive home, how anyone could have abused this beautiful creature I will never know, but I am so happy to have had him be part of our lives....
here is a picture of my Brodie, he is a Belgian Malinois, R.I.P. buddy, momma loves you......
 oh but wait, it doesn't stop there
 last Monday my dad ended up in the Hospital for 6 days,
he is very sick, he has Multiple Myeloma, he is doing well for now, he was diagnosed over 6 years ago... so everyday I have him here is a gift....
so needless to say, I have not felt very crafty this week.....
So instead I decided to share 2 scrapbook lay out's I did 2 years ago with you....
 This LO I lifted from the Talent Christina from Creations With Christina,
 it is hard to see in the pictures, (if you click on the pictures you can look at them larger and see the hearts)but on the top right hand side of the blue is 4 blue hearts cut from Plantin Schoolbook at 1 inch. I also double matted my pictures and brodie was cut out using jubilee
 I did the same on the brown as I did on the blue and along the bottom of both sheets I cut out 7 more 1 inch hearts, again click on the photos so you can see the brown on brown, it is really pretty in person...and the ribbon is from my stash.....
 here is a picture of the blue hearts on blue paper, 4 hearts are layered in the corner and then 3 along the bottom....( in the picture is my Brodies tongue, he had black spots on his tongue....I just loved his spots....it was so hard to get a picture of his mouth open...LOL
 here is a close up on the brown,
and here is another LO I did of my Brodie, sorry for the glare....
I loved to dress him up....he did not love it as much as I did......
but doesn't he look just too cute!!!! LOL
 boy oh boy can you tell this LO is pre Cricut!!!!!......and one of my first ever scrapbook LO's...thank goodness for Provo Craft, my Expression has really improved my LO's, oh and a little tip Ladies, when I first started scrapping, I bought the cheaper adhesives.....I can tell not a great idea, unless 2 years later you want to re-do those LO's. All the LO's I did before my ATG all let go, I needed to re stick them all......wow what a job......so don't CHEAP out on the adhesives.....
Thank you so much for stopping by today, and letting me share my story, I miss my boy everyday, and this was really helpful for me to talk about my furbabie.......
Have a Scrappy Day everyone.....


Suzanne cricutcraftingrammyblogspot.com said...

Sherri I am so sorry you had to put your precious dog down. So difficult. Also sorry your dad has been in the hospital. Hope he will be better soon. You sure got a double whammy. So glad you have your pictures of Brodie. Your layouts are wonderful

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Sherri I too am sorry you had to put your precious dog down. It is so hard to do as they become family. Also sorry your dad has been in the hospital. Hope he will be better soon. Thank you for sharing your pictures of Brodie. Your layouts are wonderful.

Sandy from Ukiah said...

So sad to hear about your sweet dog. :-(. It is so hard to have to put them down . But it looks like u have many precious memories

Scrappin Rabbit Designs said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your best friend Broadie. They are such a huge part of our lives. Love your LO's of your pal. He looks like such a ham. Also sorry to hear about your Father, hope he gets well soon.


Bunnyfreak said...

Thanks for sharing your memories of Brodie. Sorry for your loss.

Lisa said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so hard because our pets are part of our families. It's nice that you have all those adorable pictures for memories.

Java Jen's Creations said...

So sorry for your loss!! We got our first dog a year ago December as a pup and I can only imagine how hard it will be when he isn't a part of our family anymore! Your layouts are adorable ! What sweet memories to help you in your grief!! Thanks for sharing!!

mfc.melissamade2 said...

What a nice tribute to your old friend. I love brown and blues together though...and those pics are fabulous!

Audrey Frelx said...

Sherri, I am so sorry for your loss of your beautiful friend, Brodie! They so quickly become such an integral part of our family and daily lives. However, you've created a wonderful memory in the beautiful layouts you've done.

I pray for you during your healing process, my friend!

SherriC. said...

thank you so much ladies....
I really appreciate everyone of your comments,

janner said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved pet and friend. We rescued our cat from the humane society. We had him for 12 years and when we had to put him down, I couldn't leave the house for a week. I still tear up and it's been 4 years. You become so attached. It is so difficult. I hope with time you will feel better. He's the reason I began scrapbooking. You did a wonderful job.

kim said...

I know how you feel. This past Thursday I lost my furbaby Lucky. He wasn't acting like himself and we tryed to call the vet. They were closed and we said we would take him in the next day. We came home from work and Lucky was gone. He was the best puppy you could have asked for. You are in my thoughs and my prayers.

kim said...

I know how you feel I lost my baby this thursday. The loss of a pet is very hard. You are in my thoughts and my prayers.


Anonymous said...

I love your layout of Brodie... all of them.. I am sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your Dad.. Keep up the good work..


Brenda said...

awww I know how heartbreaking it is to lose a fur baby...sooo sorry for your loss I need to scrap my girls that have gone off to the rainbow bridge....have you read that poem sooo beautiful!

Nuts in a Tree said...

Just stopped by for a visit and heard about your Brodie. So sad. Thanks for giving him such a great forever home though after he was mistreated...they all deserve to be loved. :) Hope your Dad is doing well.
