February 28, 2012

From CCR To Finished

Hey everyone
~Happy Tuesday To You~
I am so happy to be here with Sheila today and am excited to share my CCR layout with all of you.
I really enjoy using CCR to see how things will look prior to cutting anything out. It helps me not waste paper which is always a good thing. You can see in the "sketch" below how my layout looks. Even though we can't turn our mat horizontally I just added another 12 x 12 square right next to the original mat to accommodate my two page layout.

All of the pieces, patterns and images came from the Imagine cartridge Enjoy The Season, and the title came from the digital cartridge Cricut Font And Basic Shapes. The finished layout is below, the only thing I added was a few more butterflies.

These are all pictures of my son and his friends one summer, and even though I used girly shapes, I don't think the layout looks to girly. I hope you enjoy and you all have a great day.
Thanks so much Sheila for having me stop by today.
Hugs, Stacy
AKA Lovethatbug


Sandy from Ukiah said...

Very cute layout.. I love that little slide. I don't think it looks too girly at all. I have tried using the CCR but I just have trouble getting things to cut .. I think I prefer my gypsy .. Shelia, I have been meaning to ask u, did your cartridge, Victorian Romance come with any kind of handbook or something?

RockinRenee said...

Not too girly at all! I especially like the pool cut that you added. I have been using CCR like crazy. My poor Gypsy feels so neglected! TFS

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Wonderful layout Stacy. I too love the little slide, it looks like so much fun! CCR is a challenge to do I think I like my Gypsy Woman more though. Thanks for sharing with us today.

Audrey Frelx said...

Great layout! I don't think it's too girly either!

GabyCreates.com said...

Very nicely done...not girly at all. Still waiting for more glitches to be fixed on CCR and not having the ability to see a 24 x 12 drives me nuts! lol. So great it works for you (or you made it work for you...clever to add the square to the right!

Unknown said...

Love the LO Stacy, not too girly at all.

Anonymous said...

Super cute LO!