June 3, 2012

Father's Day Card

Hello! This is Rosa with Enjoying The Bug with Father's Day near I decided to make a Father's Day card for my design team post this week. I made a very simple card using Campin' Critters cartridge, some Recollections paper I picked up at my local Michael's a while back andMojo Monday Sketch for monday May 28th.

For my card I used my Gypsy with my Cricut Expression to cut out the pieces for my card.

Gypsy Screen with cuts laid out

Then I laid my mat out with the colors that I wanted my cuts to be for each layer

Cricut Mat

I then put all my layers together and I came up with this!

Front of the Card

Close up 

Inside of the Card 

I hope you enjoyed today's card! 

Card Base: Brown Cardstock Recollection 5 1/4 by 5 1/4 inches
Pattern Paper: Recollection The Great Outdoors 5 by 5 inches
The mirror paper came from Target's dollar bin
Cricut Cartridge: Campin' Critters Bear cut @ 2inches with all his layers and shield behind the bear cut at 3 inches, inside shield cut at 5 inches
The sentiment was printed from my computer and I cut it down to size


Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Rosa, what a GREAT card. Your Grandpa is going to love it! Love the vibrant colors and detail. Thanks for sharing with us today.

Migdalia said...

Rose, You did a Great job on this card!!!Too Cute!!!

Charlotte C said...

Cute card, and how nice of you to include size info. Makes it super easy for all of us.

Sherrie K. said...

Fabulous job on your card:) Love this!
Sherrie K

Carolyn/MamaC said...

What a terrific Father's Day card! Love all the detai, colors, and design! Thanks for the instructions!

Java Jen's Creations said...

Love this card!! Campin' Critters is such a fun cartridge!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your cute card Rosa

Unknown said...

Thank you all for the wonderful comments. I am glad you all enjoyed it.

Unknown said...

This card is darling!!! I love the badge shape you used to mat the ranger bear!!!

Nicole said...

Great card!! I appreciate the details I will have to get my hands on this cartridge.

Lisa said...

Very cute card, love the colors.