June 20, 2012

Use Crafting Stash to Create Blessings for Others!

These cards are made from extra Cricut cuts, negative images of cuts, leftover paper scraps, and a few paper punch images!

Hello, everyone!  Carolyn from Carolyn's Creative Corner!
Actually, if all has gone according to plan, I am in prison today!
Two of my crafting buddies and I are judging scrapbooks in a state prison for women!

I provide greeting cards for a local church.  It is a donation that I make on a regular basis. The A2 size cards are flat and can be mailed with a regular first class stamp.
I will make 35-50 cards at a time.  These cards are a labor of love!
Each one has a scripture verse.  Most have a sentiment or phrase that reflects the scripture.
The cards are as varied as my stash!  They usually reflect the project/s that I am working on at the time.  What a blessing for me to know that I can use my stash in such a meaningful way!
I have lots of paper scraps and colorful pieces just waiting to be used!
I love to use sentiment/word/phrase stamps!  The two black notebooks are full of those types of stamps.  The white notebooks are images.
This is my wall of words/phrases/sentiments!  Some stamps are missing because I have just finished a project that required several of the stamps.  They will be back on the wall in a few days!
I spent nearly a week stamping, sorting, and packaging mulitiples of each stamp.  I have these ready to use on the cards when I make the greeting cards for the church.
This picture shows some of the image stash on the left, a package of A2 cards on the right just waiting to be used, and in the middle is a wonderful 'tool' for creating A2 cards!
I found this package of cardstock at Michaels Craft Store.
The width of the strip is perfect to layer on the front of the A2 card.  I cut the bottom off and have extra for the inside...and enough to layer on another card!
Inside card!

I hope this has been an inspiration for you to use your stash to bless others!
It may not be a church, but there is a place to share your creativity!

Have a wonderful and peaceful day!


Sheila aka SassyLady said...

What a blessing this is to donate these beautiful cards!!! You are definately using the gift God has given you.
I chuckled when I saw this post as I am making a batch right now for my Sunday School class and thinking I need to take photos of mine! I think yours are very pretty and you have such a wide variety. I mass produced the same design.... I think I need to try your method! TFS

Charlotte C said...

What a wonderful use of your collection.

Lisa said...

What beautiful cards and what a nice thing to do. I too donate alot of the cards I make but I donate mine to Send Love, it's an organization for children with Cancer.

Karons Krafty Korner said...

AMAZING - I love how you use up negatives, and scraps of stash. Look at that stamp wall - wow. TFS

Sandy from Ukiah said...

What a blessing you are to so many Carolyn... and i love how organized you are.. i so need to get organized.. i have started a little, but still so much to organized.

Charlotte said...

Oh how wonderful of you to share thee lovely cards. They will be such a blessing.


Nicole said...

This is great idea and neat way to share your talents!!

papillon digital design said...

You are so organised! How sweet to make and share these elegant cards. TFS

Unknown said...

You make such pretty cards and for a wonderful cause! You are super organized!!

Unknown said...

You make such pretty cards and for a wonderful cause! You are super organized!!