June 22, 2012

You Need A Card Stash

Good day everyone! Today I want to share a little tidbit and shortcut with you about having a Card Stash. I have had many emails and comment asking what a stash is and I am would like to share mine with you as well as give you a little advise... ALWAYS make two of the card you are making! When ever I make a card for someone I make a duplicate of it and stick it in my stash. Please watch the short video below and you will see what I mean.

See, a Card Stash is just something or someplace that you store all your cards for future use. I like most of you have a very full schedule. I am married, a mother, grandmother and work a full time job and squeeze as much fun as I can into my life. This leaves me very little time if a need arises to stop and make a card for a loved one that is ill or for a birthday that I forgot.
Having a stash of every type of card enables me to be ready for any occasion, illness and yes even a sympathy card for those moments in our life.
I make cards in my free time and always make them two up on my mat with the help of my Gypsy. This actually saves me time as two cards easily fit on  a 12x12 sheet of paper and I only have to pick paper out once. Sometimes I think it is harder to choose the paper that it is to make the card!
I actually have reached the point in my life that I don't buy cards and I love it. I also love that people look forward to getting my cards and even take time to show those off to those around them!
If you don't have, I challenge you to make a card stash for yourself. You will be so glad you did.
Thank you for joining me today I hope I have encouraged you in some small way. Thank you too for your sweet sweet words of encouragement. You comments inspire me to continue sharing with you.


Lisa said...

Sheila that is a great thing to do, (have a stash of cards for giving). I have been trying not to buy cards but to make them also. First of all they are expensive and secondly when you make them, it means more and you can personalize them. Thanks for the great tip. :)

Teach4U said...

You are so inspiring. I would love to have a card stash. I love you idea of creating two at a time. My friends and family look forward to my handcrafted cards. Thanks for sharing.


Nicole said...

What a great idea!! This would sure save a lot of time my only problem would be forgetting who got what card already.
Have a great weekend!

Candy said...

Fabulous video Sheila! I am starting a stash right away, making at least 2 of every card. Thanks so much for this great tip!

Bobby said...

You mentioned making two at a time once before and I said I was going to do it but didn't. Since I make so many for challenges I do have a stash but I still might begin making two and share my stash. :)

Migdalia said...

Hi Sheila,This is so true!I only make one and then something comes up and I am rushing myself to make one.Great Advice!TFS

Migdalia said...

OMG!I forgot toi mention that your cards are AWESOME!!!The hippo in Pink is adorable!!The doggy card is Cute!I have to go back to see the tutorial on the get well card..I need to try that one.I seriously need to spend time with my Gypsy...TFS Oh!The flower card on the 2nd storage cart is My Favorite...well I have many favorites...I am going to try and find it so that I can make one this weekend!!!You are too sweet!!!TFS

Charlotte C said...

I am now making two up on A2 cards, but usually I make 5 x 7's because I like the larger die cut/embellisment on the front. However, I am learning from you that the A2, if done right with my G, can be smashing! Don't know if I'll be keeping a stash, but I take a picture of every card and that's saved on my computer or on a CD rom. That way I know who got what in the past or what I've done.

Karons Krafty Korner said...

Sheila - what a fabulous idea!! Make two of each card!! Now why haven't I thought of that:-)!! TFS

TheTulipCollector said...

I do that too!!! I have an old card file that I got at a yard sale and it has dividers in it already for birthdays, I can easily tell where I need to add more.