April 3, 2013

Baby Shower Decorations

Hello everyone! This is Java Jen from JAVA JEN CREATIONS and I am so excited to share here today! We had a diaper drop baby shower for my daughter-in-law over the weekend so I just had to try out my newest cartridge from Creative Memories - Tiny Treasures! This is an awesome cartridge and if you don't already have a CM consultant, feel free to stop by my website ------> HERE to order this or any of our other amazing cartridges or products!

Here are pics of my finished projects and then I'll give more details. I used the Cricut Craft Room to cut everything! I usually use my Gypsy but they haven't added Tiny Treasures in an update yet! I'm actually glad, though, because this is the first big project I've done in the Cricut Craft Room and I really loved it! Just as easy as my Gypsy, but a bigger screen! Yay! For anyone who wants it, I have included the Cricut Craft Room file at the end of this post for your personal use. When the Gypsy is updated, I will update this post with the Gypsy file.

Some close-ups:
hanging star, cut at 8.028" - pg. 57 of handbook
banner with letter cutouts are located throughout the handbook and were cut at 6.014"

Sorry, I didn't get this pic rotated! The elephant is on pg. 32 and was cut at 4.028".

This adorable duck is on pg. 36 and was cut at 5".

This tag is just too cute and is on pg. 67 and was cut at 4.278".

This sweet giraffe is on pg. 33 and was cut at 6.375".

"It's a Boy!" is on pg. 70 and was cut at 4.292".

There are so many possibilities for this cartridge! To make the centerpiece I simply cut out these images  and taped them to lollipop sticks and stuck them in foam blocks that you can find in the floral department. If you don't have lollipop sticks you can also use wood skewers. The banner is hung on twine using mini clothespins. I love how the clothespins add some extra dimension!

Thanks for stopping by today and remember, you can visit my website------> HERE to purchase this awesome cartridge! 

Here is the free Cricut Craft Room file:


lindagk23 said...

How adorable! You did a beautiful job!

Karon said...

This is fabulous Jen - love the table centre and great banner!! TFS

Unknown said...

This is adorable!!!! LOVE the banner :)

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

This is just too cute... I love your center piece. Everything looks so festive I hope everyone had a great time. Thanks for sharing today.

Migdalia said...

WOW!This is just darling!!!
Have a wonderful day,
♥ Crafting With Creative M ♥
♥ 2 Creative Chicks ♥

ValByDesign, Valerie said...

OMG, everything is too adorable!

Audrey Frelx said...

Adorable, adorable, adorable!!!