November 27, 2013

File Folder Retirement Card

Hey everyone!
Candy here from Candy's Craft Corner. It's my day to share at the She's a Sassy Lady Blog today. Thanks so much for having me Sheila!
One of the ladies from work retired on Nov 15. Our co-worker Sherien thought it would be a great idea to make a card out of one of our file folders that we hold patient records in. She said you should be able to do that Candy! We say that she is the brains and I am the brawn! She thinks up the ideas and I make them happen!
Anyway, my co-workers name is Ruth and she worked in our file room and handled these charts every day. Her favorite color is blue and she loves butterflies. Good place to start right?
So I went down to my craft room and started pulling things out. Trims and thickers and papers oh my!
Anyway this is what I came up with and I think it turned out pretty nice.
This is a row of patient charts in our records department. 
Blank file folder. It's about 9 x 12 inches.
Inside of folder. I removed the fasteners. 
Each patient is given a unique number when they visit the hospital. I thought it would be great to use those numbers to put the date she retired down the side. Nov 15,2013
Lots of room for well wishes.
Stamps by Pink by Design 
Just so you can see the size of the card as this is a 12 inch ruler. 
Thanks so much for stopping by today
Take care,


The Cropping Canuck said...

Love this idea!

Karon said...

Candy this is fabulous and what a lovely personal card! TFS

Boopster said...

The chart stickers are a very whimsical touch to a beautiful card. YOU are definitely the creative brains of the outfit, too!

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Candy what a great idea! Love your creativity! Have a blessed day and thank you for sharing.