November 22, 2013

Merry Christmas! Gift Tag 2013

Hello Friends! Donna Lee here from StampinNScrapinWithDonnaLee.Thanks Sheila for allowing me to share today here at She's A Sassy Lady! Thanksgiving Day is almost here and shopping is soon to be started or I hope for many of you completed! Soon the gift wraping begins! I love to have some special gift tags to use on gifts. This year Pam from The BugBytes hosted the 2013 Christmas Tag Swap for some of the designers at She's A Sassy Lady and The BugBytes. Thanks Pam for all the hard work and the gorgeous tag and Christmas card too! I've made a short video showing you how easy the assembly was of my 2013 Christmas Tag. You can view it HERE. Let's get to the details! Tag - Art Philosophy 6" Merry Christmas - Wild Card 2.18" Reindeer - Gypsy Wanderings 3.25" (Hide Contour) Poinsettia's - Winter Woodland 1" 25 - A Childs Year 1.45" (Welded) You can see all of the wonderful and creative tags in this swap at my POST.
Thanks for coming by my StampinNScrapin studio! I hope you have a blessed and crafty day! Blessings, Donna Lee


Karon said...

These are just beautiful! TFS