January 23, 2010

Swarm Layouts 16 Total

I walked around the room and took shots of the many layouts of the evening. Above is an elegant layout completed by Jen.  I hope you enjoy the various layouts that the ladies created. We all had sooo much fun. Maybe next time you too can join us.

By the time I had a chance to walk around and take photos, many pages were already completed. you will however see many in progress. I need to go back and check how she did the map above. I love it.
This is in the process but before I finish photos it will be completed.
We scrapped 2 at a table.
Above was done by my Jennifer, those are my grandchildren!
I had to take a second picture here as I love this photo of Sydney with the sand in her hair.
Beautiful family!
TaDa, see it is finished and doesn't it look great? She used cursive 101 for the lettering.
Hope you enjoyed the layouts. Tomorrow I will post mine.... I only did one.

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Sandy said...

Wow wow wow wow...this is an amazing amount of work! You must have had so much fun. I love them all but am partial to the layout with the black fiber....I love the look of fiber...working on an mini album right now and plan on adding lots....you go girl!