October 29, 2010

Cute Little Partial Shape Card

Now isn't he just too handsome? I had so much fun with my partial shape card videos that I made for last weeks Gypsy Made Simple that I just had to put together this little card too. Don't you just love him? Here is the link for Making Partial Shape Cards just in case you missed last weeks instructions so you too can make a card. There are just so easy. I had this card designed in 3 minutes!!!  I doubled it up to in no time at all I had two complete cards!

 Here is what my Gypsy screen looks like. The photo on the left was cut once and on the right twice.

Don't you just love these YUMMY papers? 1 1/2 sheets DCVW and 2 scraps and I have 2 beautiful cards.

After the card was cut I scored it on my score pal.
Oops, I my first cut I made the layers wrong so no problem I just took out the little dots from the purple and glued them on separately. It worked great and has the same look.
These are all the pieces and in a matter of 10 minutes the card was put together.
I stamped the face with my Peachy Keen stamps and colored in the whites with my gel pen.
See how easy the layer fit.
I used glossy accents on the eyes to make them shimmer.... these are still well so they look a little cloudy.
This is the goofed up card, can't hardly tell can you?
Here is the inside of the card. I just kept it simple. You know sometime all we need is a simple little card to show someone we car. The neat thing is our simple cards are better than the best from the store!

I hope you enjoyed today's little project, it was so much fun to make. I figure it took 1 hour to make the two cards, from design, choosing paper, cutting to completion. Now that's the type of card we all need on file on our Gypsy!!! Here is the A2L Dinosaur Gypsy file for you.
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Thanks for your sweet sweet words of encouragement, your comments always inspire me to continue to share with you.


imafarmgirl said...

Shelia, Seeing your template and how you work with it is helping me set this up on my gypsy. I had difficulties mentally with the A2...why I wouldn't be cutting the whole card.. not just the face of it? I am not an avid card maker..a scrapper by heart so learning these new ways to utilize my stuff and gypsy is motivating me to stretch... and grow. Thanks a ton for your step by step instructions.. and please continue to mention the coordinates as I "walk through" your videos with my own gypsy. Tootles!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Love love these Shelia.. I haven't tried setting up the templates on my gypsy yet, but hoping to. Thanks for taking the time to explain things.. hugs

Bamabel said...

How cute!

Unknown said...

What a cute card Sheila!!! My son loves it too!

papillon digital design said...

He is so cute!!

Audrey Frelx said...

Oh, Sheila, this is so cute!

Peggy T. said...

Sheila, I love these little guys. They are so adorable. I must try them.

Peggy T.

Java Jen's Creations said...

What an adorable card!! I am going to try a card like this very soon! I haven't been able to play this week but hopefully on Saturday I will be able to!! Thanks for doing such a great job showing us new things to do on our Gypsy girls!!