October 22, 2010

Haunted Asylum

Hello, my dear ghouls and goblins!   I used to never decorate for Halloween and now I'm crazy about adding little spooky bits around my house - and I don't have to dust because it just adds to the decor!!!   I'm Cher from Cheryl's Window and I have a fun house to share.   First though, I want to thank Sheila for having all of us here.  I love all the designers that she has collected.  I've had to back down from a few design spots, but I don't want to leave Sassy Lady.  Once the New Year starts, my work schedule will be back to some semblance of normal and less hours (I hope). I haven't had much time to leave comments on many posts lately, but I have seen them and am so impressed by you ladies.   We are going to have to talk Sheila into having a Sassy Swarm soon so that we can all meet up.

Anyhow, onto my project today.    I created the mansion from Happy Hauntings.  I love how easy ProvoCraft has made many of these projects.   Their directions are very easy to follow and still allow you the freedom to add your own flair.   I'm sharing this not only at She's a Sassy Lady, but also entering it at Bitten by the Bug 2!  I was so excited that they extended the deadline because I was saving this post for my Sassy Lady guest spot!!!  Now, I can do both.  I won't bog down your reading time with all the details that you can find in your cartridge handbook such as how to score and assemble the pieces, but I'll show you how I personalized mine and hopefully give you a few new ideas to spring from.

House 1
 Step 1
House 2 - etc
I started by looking at the different cuts and directions that would be needed to complete the house and made notes in my handbook.  (yes, you can write in your handbook - I give you permission)  I wrote down the coordinating direction's step# next to each cut image and even labeled what color I wanted to print (in pencil in case I change my mind on color in the future).    I decided I wanted a big house, so I would need to use my 12x24 mat and my ProvoCraft 12x24 black and white paper.   I used white for the house and black for all roof and trim pieces.  A yellow 12x24 paper by K& Co was utilized to create my inside window cuts.

I then started with the first 3DHouseA cut and sized this on my Gypsy to fit the 12x24 mat.  I created a different tabbed page for my cuts and labeled the tabs with coordinating color and cut # so that I could easily keep track of my pieces and cuts needed.   If you want to use my .gypsy file, you can find a link to download this at the bottom of this same post on my blog.    I kept everything in proportion to my first 3DHouseA cut and continued to copy/paste to a new page all the cuts to this house, making sure to delete the ones not needed (those I copied from) when copying to the next page.  Notice on my screen shots above how I titled the tabbed pages.  Also, PLEASE remember to hide your preview by clicking on the eye icon or you'll get lost in your house real quick.  I ran out of my 12x24 black before it was all done, but I was able to adjust a few of the cuts so that they could fit on 2 12x12 pieces of black cardstock.   This will not work for the larger pieces at this size.  Nevertheless, you can always resize it to fit your paper.  

Once I had all my cuts organized on my Gypsy, I connected it to my Expression and started cutting all the pieces.    They were all very easy to organize once removed from the mats except for the yellow window pieces.   You might want to lightly label these with pencil before removing from your mat because it was very much like putting a puzzle together trying to figure out those pieces once I just took them off my mat and put them in a pile. 

I knew that I didn't want my mansion actually white, but a dingy old house look.  Once my pieces were cut out, I began misting them with various colors of Glimmer Mist.  I used a fine mist of Vanilla Breeze over the entire cut followed by little spurts in places of Latte, Creme de Chocolat, Midnight Blue, Olive Vine and finally Graphite. You could use any variety of colors you wanted and less or more.  I also sprayed all my black cuts with Graphite.  The pink background is my large Tattered Angels misting mat.  I pull this one out when working on a large project or multiple pages.  Again, I misted more than sprayed and did not oversaturate any of my pieces.  Therefore, they dried quite quickly.   I did use my heat gun to help dry a few of these.   I even flipped a few over and applied a little burst of heat to straighten them out a little more.  Some edges did slightly curl up, but I think this gave even more to the dilapidated appearance of my mansion.

After misting each cut piece, I gathered my Distress Inks and inked most edges and windows with some Brushed Corduroy and some Black Soot.  This really gave my edges and windows some character.  I really added the Black Soot to the inside and outside of the chimney.   Here is a closer picture of a window and some edges after assembly so that you can better see the contrast.  

(pink and yellow DO NOT got together  LOL )
I wanted to cover my windows with Martha Stewart's glow-in-the-dark glitter.  I found out after trying it on one piece, that the yellow was not showing up so well.   That's OK, after adding some Distress Mustard color to the pieces, they were really yellow.  I then ran all the window pieces in upside down through my Xyron so that the sticky was on the front, and then covered with the glitter.  The one place I messed up was by using such thick paper for my windows - my little battery flickers do not show through the windows.   They still show through the open doors, though, so it all worked out.  

Once everything was colored, inked, glittered, and dried, I began assembling the house.  I scored along all score marks provided on the cuts.  This is one time I used the score marks provided and did not hide them on my Gypsy.  I am SOOOOO glad that I did not hide them.  I then followed the directions in the cartridge Handbook for putting all the pieces together.  I mostly used Score Tape for my house.   There were a few places I used my Helmar's 451 glue because I found that a liquid was easier in a few places.  Some of these were with the windows being glued to the inside and part of the roof where the two different roof lines meet.  

The big scary house was not all that scary once I created my game plan and made the notes in my handbook.   Once I had all my pieces cut out, it came together rather quickly.  Putting the roof on was the hardest part and might take an extra helping hand if you have one around.    It's definitely something to show off once created.  

I still want to make some more pieces for my sofa table centerpiece, but for now it's coming together.  I still have my haunted house from last year and some of elements from there.  We hope to make the spooky tree and some more decorations to go around the houses.  

 I did find one more cool - or rather hot - addition today for my house.   Did you know that Martha Stewart now has black hot glue?   I loaded the gun and let it heat.

I added just a little on the edges of some of the rooftop, but then added quite a bit letting it run and drip from the chimney top.  I LOVE love love how this came out.  It just looks like a drippy gooey mess.  I can't wait to see what else I can do with this black hot glue.   I was thinking that some black wax would work for this technique just as well.   (Oh, that is some extra spider webbing hanging in the back from the roof line)

Here is another angle of my mansion.  Once it was all assembled, my daughter thought it looked more like an asylum from an old movie, so we've dubbed it the Haunted Asylum.  Our haunted house from last year has become our 'caretaker's' cottage.  

I think you should give this house a try too.  If you do, make sure you share it and link up with Bitten By the Bug 2.   And please leave me a comment with a link to yours too if you make one.  I love seeing what everyone is doing with this house!!! 

Thanks for stopping by today.


Katie said...

What an amazing project by Cheryl!

Missy said...

Very cool! It looks amazing!

Angi Barrs said...

Wow...this is AMAZING. Awesome project:)

flowerdisco said...

cher...this is GORGEOUS. every detail deserves an ovation. I am in awe of how much work and details went into the making of this house. PERFECT! in my eyes.
Thanks for sharing all the tips including the black hot glue...I am "haunting" that one.

absolutely love it...maybe for next year. It will take me longer to make :)

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Cher, this is totally AWESOME! The details are amazing and the black oozing from the roof (black glue) just takes it over the top! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! And I too am finding this is the first year I made anything for Halloween... love your no dusting theory!
(A Swarm sounds Awesome!!!) I am pretty sure I am meeting up with Pam in Dallas in March!!
Thanks for today's project.

Precious Memories Scrapbooking & More said...

super cute... you did an amazing job on it!

Barb Craft said...

Cheryl... you out did yourself with this one!! this is AMAZING!!!
Barb :)

Sandy from Ukiah said...

How cute this turned out, thank you for the great instructions.

Granny said...

Oh my does this look spooky and totally awesome! TFS

Snowmanlover said...

Wow that is so neat!! I just borrowed that from a friend for the weekend!! I love what you did!

Sentimental Scrapper said...

Very Cool!!! Love the black hot glue! I didn't even know it came in colors. Awesome project!!

Jeannie said...

All I can say is Wow! Wow! Wow! This is phenomenal! Your talent and attention to detail is amazing. I can only look at the pics because I know I'd never finish something this wonderful!

Dana said...

Haunted Asylum turned out really great. I can't imagine how long it took you to make...but it was worth it. Love the black hot glue...I'll have to see if I can find that. Where did you get it? Good luck. Thanks for sharing.


Bamabel said...

This is amazing! I especially like the addition of the black hot glue! :)

Nanne said...

Oh wow!! how amazing is that?.. Looks like a lot of work went into making it, but so worth it.. This is such an amazing project with such amazing detail.. I'm so very impressed and I want to make one of my own now..LOL
absolutely love it!! Fantastic job Cheryl!

Caprice said...

Wonderful work!