October 25, 2010

'Squeezing In Some Scrappin'

Good Morning! Happy Monday! I hope each of you are having a fabulous day so far! Aymee Gandy of A Scraphappy Southernbelle here with you on this beautiful day! I am so excited to be sharing another project here at She's A Sassy Lady!
I had such a busy weekend this past weekend. The hubby and I actually got to spend the whole weekend together, which is so rare! We had a blast! But I knew I had some work due so I sat down and 'squeezed' some scrappy time in and created a simple little project that I've been wanting to do....some Thanksgiving silhouette decorative frames to put in my home for the Thanksgiving season. These were super easy, super quick, and so affordable!!! I started with my girl Esmerelda (my Cricut Gypsy) and the Seasonal Thanskgiving Cricut Cartridge. I selected the Pilgrim Woman and Pilgrim Man silhouettes. But when I went to size them, I knew I was going to have to tinker with them to get them to fit into these small frames that I purchased for $1 each at our local Dollar Deals store. So I unchecked the 'keep proportion' box on my Gypsy and 'squeezed' these shapes in a tad. So now they are a bit skinnier, but fit perfectly into my frame. The fact that I can 'see' before I cut with my Gypsy is just phenomial to me! No more wasting paper because I cut something too big or too small. And the fact that I change the shape to fit my needs...just so awesome! Another reason I couldn't live without my Gypsy!!! I used cardstock from The Paper Studio and patterned paper from K & Company. Here is the Pilgrim Woman frame:
 Can't beat these frames for a $1 at the store too!!! I plan on putting these 2 frames next to each (facing one another) other on a end table in our living room.
 Pilgrim Man Silhouette Frame
 While I was making these, I went ahead and made another set to send to my Mom. We are both big decorators. We love to change up the decor' in our homes during holidays. So I hope she will enjoy hers. I added some lace trim to outer edge of her frames to jazz them up a bit more.
So next time you are at your local dollar store, check out the frames section! I was very surprised at the selection offered by mine. These are real wood frames and do not look cheap at all. Or at least I thought so. These could also be hung on the wall by adding some ribbon. And don't tell the hubby, but I bought 4 more frames too to jazz up for Christmas! LOL. I am on a altered frame kick I believe. You have to give this a try! These are so easy to do and would make great gifts!!!

I hope you have a wonderful day and have enjoyed this simple project! Happy Scrappin'!
This was posted by Aymee Gandy (this is a repair of the original)


Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Pam aka TheBugBytes said...
What a lovely project! Love the pilgrim man and woman. Yes the gypsy makes it so much fun and easy! TFS

OCTOBER 25, 2010 7:05 AM
Sheila aka SassyLady said...
Aymee these are beautiful and so hard to believe those frames were only $1. Don't you just love the time with family! Hubby and I had a great weekend too and they are just too far and few. So glad you were able to share this with us.

Barb Craft said...

These frames are adorable, and affordable too!! It's a great idea to change up the decorations like that!!
Barb :)

Beatriz Farquhar-Guzman said...

Beautiful! very elegant project.

Unknown said...

I love to decorate for the holidays too!! Love your bargain decor ~ it looks like a million bucks!!

Vanessa said...

Those look great! I can't believe the frames were only $1--they look so pretty.

Audrey Frelx said...

Great job on the frame decor -- they look great!!!

flowerdisco said...

wow, they look so elegant too. Great job and thanks for sharing.

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Oh so beautiful! Love how they fit the decor you have! Thanks for sharing a quick great decorating tip!

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Sandy from Ukiah said...
Those are just adorable.. glad you were able to get some family time in.

October 25, 2010 1:22 PM