October 10, 2010

I Received Even More Cards! Can You Believe it?

Don't you just love hand made cards? This gorgeous card is from Kimberly don't you just love pink black and white together?
And this beautiful window thank you card is from June she is the SassyLady Card Kit winner that received the Warning-Warning Robotz card. Love the window design.

This beautiful thank you card is from Kathy. She was the lucky winner of the Cri-Kit Gel Pens. She says shs just loves the pens.... doesn't it look like it?
And Lisa of Lisa's Craft Room sent me another beautiful window card. This won had a sizzix folder stuffed in it... yup I got a present too, can you stand it?
Now ladies I just HAD to share this!!! Pam at The BugBytes spoiled me by sending this gorgeous bag.... and look who is struttin' her stuff, none other than My Gypsy Woman!!! Thanks ladies for making me feel so special!


mfc.melissamade2 said...

Well - I could not think of a nicer person to receive such wonderful cards and a beautiful Gypsy bag!!!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

I have to agree, there isn't anyone nicer to receive such awesome cards and a gypsy bag... so happy for you.

flowerdisco said...

whatever you are celebrating, celebrate it BIG, :p

jen said...

I love your bag...super cute. Was it your Birthday? If so Happy birthday!!! It's my 18 year anniversary today. I just became your newest follower. I would love for you to stop by and visit my blog sometime. jennyscards.blogspot.com

Carol said...

OMGoodness ... was it your Birthday? I had no idea. How did I miss that, have I been hiding under a rock? I am sooooo sorry I missed it. I hope it was spectacular ... you deserve it GF!



Audrey Frelx said...

Oh, Sheila, how beautiful! Of course, such a beautiful person is receiving them!!!