October 3, 2010

Shes A Sassy Lady Is Growing

Shes A Sassy Lady is pleased to announce 4 more Sassy Designers!!!
A total of 18 Sassy Designers!

Please welcome Aymee Gandy of A Scraphappy Southernbelle; an incredibly talented young lady, Aymee is a seasoned blogger and loved by all on the Cricut Message Board. You will look forward to her feature each month.  Melissa Forquer of Melissa Made joined us last month and featured a wonderful design. Melissa, is multi talented, along with card making and scraping she is wonderful with digital stamps and can make those copic markers just dance across paper. Also joining us is Kate Marrs of Sassy & Scrappy, a fairly new blogger Kate is growing her talent in leaps and bounds and we look forward to great things with Kate. Finally Jeannie Horton of Scraps In My Life who is also fairly new but is a growing blogger that works wonders with her cards. You had the pleasure of a preview with Jeannie when she stepped in and shared one of her beautiful designs in September.

With over 650 followers we continue to grow.  It is so exciting to see the talent on this team each and every day. It continues to amaze me each day as one of our Sassy Designer features a wonderful project. The projects vary in degree from a simple to a very complex, all with a wonderful tutorial so you can follow along and make the project on your own. Then on Saturday mornings I feature Gypsy Made Simple where you can grab a cup of coffee, turn your Gypsy on and follow along step by step until you complete a project of your own. Sunday is reserved for answering questions, tidbits or even a special announcement now and then. Each day of the week is dedicated to a new design to be enjoyed by you our followers.

You know it wouldn't mean anything without you our followers! We are committed to sharing and teaching our craft to each of you just as we were taught from a fellow crafting sister!!! If there is something in particular that you would like to see or don't understand please email me at ShesASassyLady@hotmail.com and we would be happy to answer your questions or create a design to fit your needs.

Don't forget our original Sassy Designers: Beatriz at Amazing Grace, Becky at My Journey To Creativity, Beth of Thunderbirdlindy By Design, Cheryl at Cheryl’s Window, Elizabeth at 217 Creations, Kimberly at My Craft Spot., Lori of Scrappin’ My Stress Away, Pam of The Bug Bytes and Tuesday Treats, Barb at Crafty Girl, Lisa at Lisa's Craft Room, Kelly at Kam's Crafty Place  Kristie at Craftin On My Door, Agnes at FlowerDisco Scrap Hut and Audrey at Cute and Some. Wow isn't that a strong line up? And they do 1 project for you each month so their ideas are fresh and creative.

I sure hope you make the opportunity to see for yourself all that these ladies have to offer by visiting each of their blogs.

I look forward to your sweet words of congratulations to these very talented ladies as well as the entire Sassy Team... I am sure they will be greatly encouraged by them.


Debbie said...

Congrats Sheila on your new designers! I love stopping by your blog, and learning new tips and techniques! Looking forward to seeing what your new designers create!

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Welcome to all the newbies! I have only been here a month a nd feel a part of a family! I'm honored to be working with such talent! Thanks Sheila and the Sassy DT!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Welcome to all of the new Sassy Designers... Can't wait to see what everyone has in store for us.

Bamabel said...

I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to work with so many fabulous designers! I look forward to getting to know all of you. And welcome to the other newbies too!

Beebeebabs said...

Welcome new Sassy Designers looking forward to seeing your creations!

Audrey Frelx said...

Welcome to all our new Sassy Designer friends!!! Welcome aboard!! Have a great time!!!

Kate said...

I feel so incredibly blessed. Thank you Sheila! I'm really looking forward to getting to know everyone and being part of such an amazing community.

scrapstampcrazy said...

Can't wait to see what the new designers dream up.