May 3, 2012


Hi, everyone!!!  It's Audrey.  So glad to be back again this month at Sheila's with another little project for you!  Thank you, my sweet Sheila for my being here!!!
Today's project/tutorial is a quick and easy altered eyeglass case that I've been wanting to do for some time now:

My BFF loves fancy sunglasses, so I'm getting her a nice pair for Mother's Day, and I thought this would be a wonderful way of presenting them to her.
I found the eyeglass case at a General Dollar Store for $1.99 and grabbed several pairs.  Here's what they started out looking like:

I know my girlfriend loves gold, so I began by painting the case a metallic gold.  I used three (3) coats of paint, allowing each coat to dry about 30 minutes between coats:

I found some pretty gold and cream trim, so I glued it to the bottom lip of the case:

Next I decided on how I wanted to embellish the case, then gathered all the necessary materials together:

Wired Beads (Cream)
Gold Buttons
Gold Beads
Gold Wired Ribbon Double Bow
Cream Roses
Rhinestone "Bling" Embellishments (Bronze and Gold)
Skeleton Leaves (Cream)
Gold and Deep Bronze Stickles

I arranged all the embellishments to my liking, and finished the case by gluing/attaching them all to the case and used a bit of the Stickles on the flowers to highlight them -- all done!  Here's another view of the back and top:

I love this, and hope you like it too!  I think I'll be giving quite a few sunglasses or reading glasses away for Mother's Day... lol!!!
Well, as always, thanks so much for coming by, and I'll be seeing you next month!!!


Charlotte said...

This a gorgeous!! The moment I saw it, I knew it was Audrey. This just oozes lovliness.


CathyinMN said...

Audrey, what a wonderful project -- from completely drab to utterly fab-ulous! Love it! Thanks for the tutorial on how you completed this.

Krafthead said...

LOOOOOOVE this! I have to do one! TFS

Lisa said...

I knew this was your project Audrey ;) absolutely gorgeous. WOW I'm sure your friend will love the case more than the glasses. What a beautiful way to dress it up.

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Audrey this is sheer elegance and something I have to have! I have a glass case just like that one in the before photo... so now I feel challenged to turn it into a piece of art like you did yours. I am in awe of the creativity! Thanks for sharing this awesome project with us today.

mfc.melissamade2 said...

OH my Audrey this is so gorgeous!!! I love the vintage colors - those beautiful beads and those skeleton leaves! WOW gorgeous altered glasses case!

Pia S said...

What a great idea to use an eyeglass case! They are in general practical, at the best! I love how you have decorated it!

Migdalia said...

Love it!Love it!Love it!Beautiful!TFS......

Audrey Frelx said...

Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments! Look forward to sharing again next month, and seeing all your beautiful projects as well!

I'll be seeing you!

Unknown said...

Wow Audrey, your elegant case has inspired me to do my Mothers for her, she will be the envy of the Bingo hall LOL!!!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful project with us

Sandi Clarkson said...

Just by came to say thanks for the well wishes. Already told Audrey I love this project!

Java Jen's Creations said...

Absolutely beautiful!!!! What a gorgeous work of art!!!

Unknown said...

I knew this was one of yours when I spotted the thumbnail photo ~ LOVE it Audrey!!!

Your projects are always so unique and so - well - YOU!! Love the pearls and leaves and ribbon and glitter it is so classy!!


Cricut Couple said...

Totally Stunning Audrey! I knew this had to be yours... It's totally Audrey and totally wonderful!