May 5, 2012

We Have A Winner

Isn't this just the cutest little card? Well it is this weeks winner and I don't even know who made it as it wasn't hooked to a blog! So please please please let us know so that I can congratulate you and send you a little gift. Just email me your name and address. Just my way of saying thanks for playing along! We had many awesome cards this week and I was so thankful for Hope you get a chance top come back a little later this morning and play along. I will be giving away another little stamp set.


Lisa said...

Congratulations to the winner ;) That is an adorable card. Love the leash.

Charlotte C said...

It's me, it's me! OMG I'm so excited. Thank you, Sheila, for giving me this chance to post. I thought this linked to, but I'll email my name and address to you right now!