July 24, 2010

Circle Paper Produces Christmas In July Ornaments

Now isn't this fun! I just love this color of green and it makes the perfect Christmas ornaments, doesn't it? And so easy to do, you will love this little project.
I joined the Cricut Circle and finally received my package.... it was sent to the wrong address. And I just loved the packing and decided to do something fun with it. So.....
I went to Hobby Lobby and used the 40% off coupon making my large glass ball ornaments only $3!
I gently pulled off the lids.
And filled the glass balls right in my office at work!! I didn't want to make a mess so I did everything right out of the box my goodies came in.
You see it is always slow on Saturday mornings at car dealers for finance managers... Just a quick note the fastest time to get out of the finance department at a car dealership is on Saturday morning and the WORST time is late in the day. You could be in line waiting to sign papers for hours.
I used a little highlighter to gently pushed the crumpled paper into the ball. 

See how they are filled but I still had plenty so I kept stuffing.
I left to go and a lot of paper left over.
I learned to grab a bunch of paper with the one had and then stuff with the highlighter, at first I gently pushed a little at a time in.
All of them are packed pretty tightly with the green packing paper in the CRICUT colored paper.
I tied green ribbon that I had purchased on sale for $1 at the beginning of summer. That means these lovely ornaments cost me only $1 a piece and they have sentimental Circle value! Don't they look great? This fun little project took just over a half an hour to do. Amazing how pretty they are!
This is all 4 packed up and ready to go home.... Sorry no fancy photos my office is kind of plain and work worthy. I do hope you enjoyed todays little project, I sure had fun doing this!
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So be sure to leave a comment and make sure I know how to reach you. I am always encouraged by your sweet - sweet words, they inspire me to keep scrapping and sharing things with you.



QueenBee3200 said...

What a great idea!!!

BTW, I listed you on my blog with a couple of awards!!!


Unknown said...

Such a great idea Sassy!! These will look great on a christmas tree or wreath!

Debbie said...

Love the bright green! My sister made me some like yours a few years back. Filled them with red and green. They look great on the Christmas tree. Christmas sounds good to me right now - - it's 104 degrees here in Maryland today. Yikes it's hot.

cuttlebug_fan said...

Loooove them! TFS

Sandy from Ukiah said...

What a cute idea...

Kymberlee - The Mama Midwife said...


greenbean said...

omg!...so freaking cute!...but they didn't give the greenbean green shread!...i got white!...

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Wow - that's clever!! Wish I could join the circle!! You'll have to keep us posted on how fun it is!

TraciVee said...

Sheila! What a great idea! I didn't get to join the circle this time around...maybe next time! Can't wait to try out your idea :)

Kelley-Lou-Who said...

Now I wish I had signed up for the Circle just so I could make those! I absolutely love them! That's an awesome shade of green too! TFS

Audrey Frelx said...

What a wonderful idea!!! I have lots of those xmas balls I could do this to!!! Packaged they'd make nice gifts too -- just apply a Christmas rub-on on the front of the ball that matches the ribbon -- Viola!!!

papillon digital design said...

Lovely project my dear. You are s inventive and creative. Mine came with white. I have saved it to do what I do not know. Thanks so much for sharing. You are the best.

217 Creations said...

Very clever upcycling!!!!

Michelle said...

How cool is that? I love this and not only were they Green but you were being GREEN by reusing the packing. Makes it even better.

Take Care

Michele Spera said...

Oh cute idea! I joined the circle too and have my paper saved:-) I'm waiting for a response about my missing bracelet from them:-(
Really neat ornaments:-)

Sandi Clarkson said...

Cute idea but I'm one of those that got white. Our theme this year is Alaska though .. so maybe the white would work great for me! Love those green balls though!

Michele said...

This is so clever, and I'm glad I saved my circle packing. It's white so I can change it with glimmermist to any color I like!

Angi Barrs said...

Great idea. I may get my students to make some of these this year.

flowerdisco said...

I had to laugh on what you learned to do with one hand and a highlighter, hehehe!
and they still came out beautiful :)

Love you!

June said...

What a clever idea!!!! Love that green color and I have lots of that crinkle paper!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

Debby said...

Very PRETTY and very CLEVER!!

Java Jen's Creations said...

These are so cute!! The green color is so pretty! Thanks so much for sharing with us!!

Cheryl Boglioli said...

What a great idea, and you're getting a jumpstart on your decorations.

Anonymous said...

I like it very much!