July 16, 2010


Isn't this fun! This wonderful emblem is now on the door of my partners office. I was telling my partner Roger that I got on EBay and purchased this cart and don't even have any children at home! I just can't get on EBay without buying a cart! CARTRIDGITIS must be what I have! He picked it up off my desk, looked at it and said "can you make one of these for my door" and pointed at the emblem. Sure I replied. You see our boss says we all need to remember to smile so he placed yellow smiley faces on the office doors and all over our showroom. We have smileys on each door and many windows. There is one for all employees but the guy who applied them wouldn't touch Roger's door as he has been here the longest and said he didn't need a reminder. Now Roger says the 'S' stands for smile! Now being a good employee I made sure I asked the bosses consent before I did it and Charlie loved the idea and gave me the OK.
The design, well let me tell you it couldn't get easier, no welding, no stretching just make to size. My smiley was 7 inches high his Superman 7 inches high.
I got all my supplies together. The yellow vinyl is from Provocraft and the red from Vinyl Expressions. This was a part of the Blog Candy I got way back in December. I used contact paper as it is inexpensive and easy to work with. I had my Pampered Chef mini spatula that I use for scraping off my mat and a couple of CLEAN mats. Please make use your mat is free from any type of debris so that it doesn't skip or tear while cutting.
Make sure that you place the vinyl on securely with no bumps or air pockets. Measure accurately as you don't want to have to cut this twice.
Make sure you also get your little pick out of your Cricut Kit.... Thanks again Nurse Viper for mine. I use this kit every time I scrap or create anything.
After I cut the background I pulled off the excess around the emblem leaving the emblem secure. I remove the vinyl off the mat while my cut is still on the paper. I then measured and cut my contact paper to lay on top of the emblem making sure there was a little excess so I could place it on the window. By the way the hardest thing I did was trying to separate the clear from the paper backing.... embarrassed to say I sat in a chair and spent 5 minutes trying to get apart having that blond moment when I thought of using the little pick!!! LOL
I trimmed off the side as my contact paper was much wider that my project.
After cutting the red I pulled off the part I did not want off using my little pick.
This was just so easy that I was waiting for something to go wrong!
Isn't this beautiful, a perfect cut?
This is a better photo of placing the contact paper on the cut, see how easy. Now very important you must rub the contact paper on your cut so they adhere to each other. I used the little tool I got for putting my protective shield on my cell phone as it was solid yet made of rubber. You can use other items but be very careful that you do not rip it.
As I finished them I hung them on my kitchen cupboard and then cleaned up my mess and got ready for work. I made sure I had my tools in my trusty bag of tricks and was ready for the drive.
I then moved the two pieces to the inside of my bag and attached them to the flap as shown above. I figured this was the safest way to make a 30 mile trip to work and walk in without drawing attention to the Superman Emblem.
See how nicely it fit and the flap on my bag kept it secure.
I then placed it on the window with the little edge I placed on it. I got out my new Evo4g phone and used the level app to make sure it was level. My hubby would be so proud of me as there isn't a level picture in my house as I hung them before I got my Evo! LOL
After I placed it on the window I got my handy burnisher thing out and pressed it down securely removing the air bubbles. I want to add that I lifted this background on and off at lease 10 times as I had to get level on the top and sides had to be an equal distance. You can barely see but there is a clear line of glass without privacy film on it and that was my problem. The person that put the privacy film up installed it crooked.
As you can see I then carefully pulled the contact paper off. When I pulled off the contact paper there were air bubbles that I hadn't seen before. I worked on getting them out also.
This is when I was trying to take a photo while adding the S..... I almost dropped both the S and the camera. It is not easy doing both. I like the photos when I am learning as I can refer to them often till I get it in my head.
AWESOME - Superman Has Arrived! This is just too cool. I put the red up pulling it off twice before I felt comfortable with its position. Then went to work getting those little air bubbles out.
Here is Roger's finished door, didn't it turn out awesome?
Here is where I spend my days, my office is the one on the right. I hope you liked today's project I had fun doing this and working on vinyl. This is the second time and I will definitely be using it in the future.

I am always encouraged by your sweet - sweet words. Your comments inspire me to keep scrapping and sharing things with you.


flowerdisco said...

Sheila, I had to laugh because I imagined me trying to do it, lol.
I never did vinyl before. I have been putting it off and off but I will get there, lol

mfc.melissamade2 said...

That's awesome!!! It came out just perfect - I'm always hesitant to work with vinyl...but you've inspired me to make some decorations for the kids for halloween!!!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Oh Shelia, I love it. you are so funny

217 Creations said...

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's SUPER SASSY!!!
LOL!! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the Cutting category today [16 Jul 12:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

Audrey Frelx said...

Wow, you did a fantastic job on it!!! And, yes, we all need to remember to smile sometime. I guess I do it 99.9% of the time anyway, but I love it when others have a big smile and even better when they give it back to me!!!


Jana said...

Great Job!

Gramjak said...

Sheila -- this is so fantastically cute! What great instructions!

Milamemories said...

It looks great!!! I left you some blog love on mine :)



KarenLinPA said...

I bet your boss smiles & feels like Superman every time he enters his office. What a great way to start your day!

papillon digital design said...

:) & superwoman sassy makes !!!
Just love it. My you certainly are a busy woman!! with energy to beat superman anyday!!

Debbie said...

Leave it up to you Sheila to come up with these craft ideas!!

Java Jen's Creations said...

That's so funny about ebay!! I'm in the same boat! Thanks for sharing your latest creation! It put a big smile on my face! It's always a pleasure to visit your blog!

Angi Barrs said...

What a FAB project. This is awesome :)