July 18, 2010

Wow, While On Vacation I Received 2 Blog Awards

THANK YOU,  Kristie from Craftin On My Door for this wonderful award! Wow The Cherry On Top Award!!!

Here are the rules for this award:

1. Thank the person who gave this award to you.
2. Copy the award and put it on your blog.
3. List three things which you love about yourself.
4. Post a picture you love.
5. Tag five people you wish to pass this award on to.

Three things that I love about myself:

1. I'm a good Wife, Mother, and wonderful Grandmother!
2. I'm creative and have the ability to share my love of crafting with others.
3. I’m a follower of Christ and find my strength in Him. I love being a Christian and having the support of a Christian family.

Here's a picture I LOVE!  Because it is a recent photo of hubby and I... he hates his picture taken so there are very few of us together.

And here are the 5 People that I am passing this award on to:

Pam at The BugBytes
Elizabeth at 217 Creations
Debbie at Love Life's Little Pleasures
Cheryl at Cheryl's Window
Kimberly at My Craft Spot
Thank you again Kristie from Craftin' On My Door for thinking of me with this wonderful award!

Now if that wasn't enough Mila and M & M Memories awarded me with the Versatile blogger award and that is the 2nd time I have received this award!
This award comes with a set of rules...

1) Thank the person who gave it to you 2) Tell seven things about yourself 3) Pass the award on to five bloggers whom you think are fantastic. So I am repeating what I said the last time because it hasn't changed!
1.I am a Christian.
2.I love my husband and family.
3.I think grandchildren are the bestest and I should have skipped over having children!
4.I am a major beach bum!! Give me a beach and I will post a sign saying NO I AM NOT A BEACHED WHALE!!!
5.I love sweets.
6.My house is always clean, but I don’t do outside work.
7.My handsome hubby and I will celebrate 40 years of marriage this year. We were high school sweethearts.

Now I am to pass this on to 5 Fantastic Bloggers which is so impossible as there are so many.
Angi at Cokie Pop Paper
Lori at Scrappin My Stress Away
Beckie at My Journey To Creativity
Lisa at Lisa's Craft Room
Agnes at Flower Disco ScrapHut

Thanks again Mila and M & M Memories for thinking of me with this wonderful award!

This is a very difficult thing to pass on awards to other blogs as there are soooooo many wonderful blogs out there. Please take the time to check out each and every one of these ladies blogs you will definitely enjoy their work.


TraciVee said...

Congrats on your awards, Sheila! They could not have gone to a nicer person :) Have a great day!

Angi Barrs said...

Awww thanks Sheila for the sweet award. And Congrats on your awards too. You deserve it girl. Love the pic of you and your hubby too. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

papillon digital design said...

That's so beautiful! You make a lovely couple. Congrats on your award and you so deserve it!! And Thank you my dear. It is such a honor receiving awards from you. It is precious!!

Audrey Frelx said...

Sheila, you are wonderful, my dear friend; and you deserve all the awards you get!!!


Michelle said...

Aww congrats on your blogging accomplisments. I couldn't think of a sweeter person more deserving of them.

Congratualtions to you.

greenchick said...

Congrats on you award! I also don't have a lot of pictures of me and my husband because most of the time i'm the one behind the camera...lol. You guys look great!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Congrats on your new awards... you definitely deserve them..

DtsArt said...

Congrats on your blog awards!

Beatriz Farquhar-Guzman said...

Congratulations and welcome back! Love your picture with your husband.

Marionment said...

Congratulations on your awards. Good things happen to good people. Thank you for sharing ideas with us.

Unknown said...

Congrats on your awards and thank you for passing one on to me!!

Sentimental Scrapper said...

Thanks for the award, Sheila! Love the picture of you and your husband!

flowerdisco said...

SHAME ON ME!!!!!!!!!!

I never THANKED YOU for this award. Totally irresponsible of my old brain here. I am going to have to ask for a brain exchange and your FORGIVENESS.
So sorry Sheila! and THANK YOU for thinking of me.