January 8, 2011

Gypsy Made Simple - Sharing Files Is Easy

 And I have a great little file to share with you! You know we all love our Gypsy because it offers us such flexibility and portability... we can design every where! But I love it most because I can share a file with a friend or she with me in no time at all. Pam of the BugBytes and I are going to Dallas and we will be preparing a few thing ahead of time and the great part is we can share the files and cut them before we even leave our homes. Last year I was rescued by MyaMagoo on the message board a couple of times when I have needed a quick box for a gift and didn't have the time to stop and do a design. Just a quick email and and MyaMagoo sent over a file and I was in business. Pam's back was hurting prior to her schedules post on Shes A Sassy Lady and you know what se was able to do? She emailed the file and I was able to put it together and share with you. Now you see why this is so important for you to learn. It will open up your world of crafting.
In the little puppy card photo to the right just click on the caption and you have the file! I designed at 2 up so this file will produce 2 cards!  This is the link for directions to either make on your own or put the card together.

I am sure you will enjoy this video the directions are easy and you will be sharing files in no time at all. The file sharing service I use is Box.net I like it as it is so easy to use, it is free and I don't have to look at a bunch of ads while I am downloading a file. If you have any question regarding this post just put it in your comment and I will try to answer it in a timely fashion.
Your assignment this week is to make anything you want, show it on your blog or the MB where you will actually share the file!!! Then link the photo of your project to my site for others to see so they can click on the photo and go straight to your blog or MB post for the file! Doesn't that sound like a great way to add some wonderful designs to our Gypsy? I love that it is secure when we use an outside source too. I love it! and can't wait to get my hands on some of your yummy files!
Remember you are welcome to use any of my files, but please give me the credit for the design and a heads up or a link on your blog would be greatly appreciated and I will do the same for you.
Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement, your comments continue to inspire me to share with you.



CBH said...

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Cricut Freebies Search List, under the Cat(s)/Dog(s)/Bear/Bird/Butterfly/Any other Animal Theme post on Jan. 08, 2011. Thanks again.

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Thanks for always sharing your amazing talent Shelia.. I will have to come back later to watch the video.. just wanted to stop by and thank you

Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the Cutting category today [09 Jan 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

Audrey Frelx said...

OMG! Sheila, this is just the cutest card!!! You're rocking on your Gypsy like you rock on everything!!! LOL!

Measha06 said...

Hi Sheila, Fab and informative as always. I have saved the file even though I dont have Create a Critter but I may have it one day. Liz at Cricutolics. Thanks for using our button.

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Love this and I love the site that you mentioned for the downloads!!! I will try to add my slider card!!

Scrappymax said...

Hi Sheila, this was a fab tutorial. Very helpful as I really haven't had time to play with my Gypsy but want to remedy this. Will be back often
Max x
Scrappymax from Cricutolics.

The Cropping Canuck said...

Thank you! Thank you! I have just posted my first file! I hope it works...

Dorothy said...

Hi Sheila,
I'm new to your blog. and find it so informative.
I just started using a Gypsy and needed to know fit to page worked.
I googled that info and there you were with all of the answers. Thanks for being there and I know I will be back here often.
dottieeeee (Dorothy)

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Hello! I am a brand spankin' new Gypsy owner and boy, am I gonna love this place!

So.. I have a question..for a shared file to be compatible with my gypsy, do I have to have the same cartridges loaded on my gypsy as used in the shared file?