January 23, 2011

Look What I Got !!!

I am soooo excited. I bid like crazy on EBay Sunday evening with no success. I only had $40 in my budget to spend and couldn't win. So my handsome hubby said just get what you want as he felt I was being reasonable for the cost of a new one. You see I want to get a better camcorder to use for my blog before I go to Dallas! 

I was amazed I couldn't even touch a refurbished for less than $100! Well my handsome hubby after asking how much the camera was at the store, said just go out and buy one! Now mind you I went with a very reasonable camera as I use mainly for blogging. But I am thrilled as it is a 5 mega pixel HD camera that is waterproof to boot. Note we love the beach and thought it would be great to get a couple shot of our grandchildren playing. So here are the photos...

So here it is! Yeah, I ordered at 11pm Sunday evening from Best Buy and had it on Tuesday! Now for all you Gypsy Made Simple watchers I am sure that you will love that I have this as I shot my first video this morning for Saturday the 29th and the photos are crisp and clear. I had 1 little glitch as the card hasn't arrived yet so my video stopped at 6 minutes! I thought the camera broke but after reading the book the little picture on the screen meant my old 512 card was full. So you will have two videos that morning, but trust me you will LOVE the project!

Look how compact this is! Just perfect for traveling... I am sure it will fit in my suitcase for Dallas. I must admit that I am looking forward to seeing if you notice the difference as much as I do. Have a blessed day and thank you for joining me today.


The Cropping Canuck said...

Can't wait to see your new videos!

When I saw the first photo on my blogger feed, I thought it was goldfish in plastic bags. lol

K-E Kreations said...

How fun! Enjoy!

Melissa said...

Wahoooo!!! Nice Sheila! What a great hubby! Enjoy that camera!

QueenBee3200 said...

WOW, that's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Audrey Frelx said...

Very nice, Sheila!!! That hubby of yours is definitely a keeper!!!

Missy said...

Have fun with your new camera!!!

Cheryl Boglioli said...

Oh how fun. Love new toys. I really keep thinking about going to the stampede if i can get a reservation still, a roommate, and a Friday off work. I would so LOVE to meet up there.

Sandi Clarkson said...

Congrats on your new toy! And on the terrific hubby!

Chantal Vandenberg said...

Woo hoo!!! Score!!! :D