August 1, 2010

Another Blog Award!

Wowswers another Blog Award and this is one I have never seen before The Trendy Blog Award. I am so honored and really want to take a few moments just to say thank you to QueenBee at QueenBee3200. Take a minute and check out her blog. Rules:
I am required to pass this on to 10 other blogs so I decided to give to some new bloggers to me. I see they are working so hard to establish their blogs and have some really great stuff to share with everyone. One of these ladies even has a watermelon baby buggy on it that she made for a shower. There is some amazing talent to be seen and you know me I love blog searching just to see all that talent! I learn so much.
I am going to add another rule because the whole purpose of these blog awards is to award to someone but then to learn a little more about them..... soooo. I will start and expect you to:
Give two reasons why you started blogging and then tell me why you continued.
My two reasons.
  1. To share with family and friends back home what I was doing.
  2. To share files when I started designing boxes, cards and pages and others wanted them.
I continue to blog because of the WONDERFUL people I have met and share with it is just amazing what a family of friends this has turned out to be, whether a fellow blogger or follower! Thanks everyone!
Now I pass this award on to these lovely ladies:
  1. Robin at the Scrapin’ Delta Diva
  2. Racinggrandma at Racinggrandma Crafts
  3. Larelyn from Handmade From My Heart
  4. Sandy from Scrapbook Blessings
  5. Jennifer at Scrapping Daze
  6. Debbie at Debbie’s Scrapin’ Corner
  7. Say Anything Crafts
  8. Kassi at Kassi’s Creations
  9. The Card Making Corner
  10. Cynde at Cynde's Place
Please take the time to visit them and leave them a little blog love and you will probably want to sign up to follow too! Thanks again QueenBee! And thank you everyone for your continued support and sweet words of encouragement. YOU are the reason I keep sharing my work.


Michelle said...

Congratulations Everyone!!!! I will try to visit everyones blogs today or tomorrow.

Magoo said...


And I will go and check out your nominees!! Love new blogs to look at :) :)

Jennifer Shaw said...

Thank you so much for this fun award!! :) I really appreciate it!!

Debbie said...

Congrats Sheila! Your deserve it and many more! Love your blog and being a part of your great team!

Cynde said...

Wow thanks. Didn't think anyone was noticing my little posts. I'll have to keep up on things more now!!!

Beatriz Farquhar-Guzman said...

Congratulations!!!!!! and have a great and blessed brand new week!

Larelyn said...

Congratulations, Sassy. You know your blog is one of my favorite places because you have so much to share, offer wonderful how-to directions, and are so supportive. Thank you so much for sending it my way. You know how to keep up encouraged!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sheila, neat award! And so great to give a nod to those that just started in the blogging world! A big, wonderfully inspiring place! That I haven't been in too much lately b/c I have been busy crafting (its like I am hoarding it to post later! LOL!)
Congrats everyone!!!

Audrey Frelx said...

Congrats, Sheila! And congrats to all you passed this award to!!!