If you are yearning for a little organization but don't want to drag out your books each and everytime you want to design something, then you need to check this out! This is my little book that I refer to if I can't recall or am stumped for a piece of art. I keep a page of every cart I have in this handy binder.
All I do is print a copy of the cart image page from the Cricut Message Board Library. Then I insert in a page cover and place in my book. My book is in alphabetical order as that is how my Gypsy is organized. I love this as I can read the words easier and see art that I sometimes miss while scrolling through My Gypsy Woman. I like how on the newer carts you can see the color breakdowns of the image and it makes it easier for me to create.
Now honestly, can you remember all the art work on your carts? I didn't think so. And that means you need a little book like this too!
All I do is flip through the pages, everything is at my fingertips. And the cost was almost nothing. I had the binder in the house from some old project all I had to do was buy more page protectors and I was good to go.
My cover was done on my computer on MS Word and a few pieces of art from the MB. You know what amazes me is the art work I forgot was even on some of my carts. I will be refering more and more to this book, especially if I can't think of anything to create as it gets those ideas going immediately.
I hope todays little shortcut helps you in organizing your craft area and making it easier to create the things you love.
This Post Was Featured on 3/11/2011

I have been trying to come up with an idea to do exactly what you have already done. Thank you so very much for sharing!! Will start creating mine this weekend. Thank you!!
Wow! What a super idea! I am constanting going back to my books to actually "see" what is on the gypsy screen. I am going to do this! Thanks for sharing this great idea!
Fantastic idea!!!!!! I will have to make one of my own for sure! Thanks Sheila!
I really need to do that! I have to go through every cart book insert to find what I want and where it is. Makes me crazy!!!
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the reminder. I was going to copy you on that :)
Thats a very organizational idea!! TFS
I just spent yesterday printing out the pages for my cartridges and even the ones that I still want to get. Just need to get them in a notebook, thanks for sharing that idea!
wow this is a great idea thanks so much for sharing I will be doing this here soon, thank you so much I am now a follower with you please visit me and hopefully you will follow me at http://craftydeb-ddscrafts.blogspot.com/
What a great idea thanks.
I have thought about doing something like this, I am glad to see the print quality is so nice. Your book looks so organized. I didn't see if you were able to capture all of the images, it looks like it is the back of the cartridges only? Do you have any idea how to capture those "hidden" images on a print out? Maybe it would require a lot of cutting and pasting? Take care.
When I read this I just couldn't believe that there was someone else out there that does the same thing as me!!! I actually have a 3" binder with all of my cartridges that I own in it and another smaller one with all of the cartridges that I don't have . . . YET!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Thank you so much for this tip. I spend more time searching for specific cuts that it takes to cut them out.When I read this, I went straight to the MB and copied all of my carts images. My printer was busy for over an hour, but it's done. This is going to be such a great help. Thanks so much from the bottom of my "cricut-shaped" heart!lol
I put your tip on my blog this morning, but I gave all the credit to you.
Thanks again!
Sheila -- Thanks so much for sharing this great idea. It will be enormously helpful, as I cannot remember and sometimes would like to dream and plan when I am riding in the car while others are talking. This will be JUST perfect for that! (Organization -- yippee!)
I made myself the same kind of reference book, only in a 3 ring binder. I also have a list of all the carts I own & a wish list. I keep one page protector at the back of my book to slip in all my rewards coupons (I write on each one the date that I entered them & the serial # of the cart & a "G" when it is synched to my Gypsy). That way if there is ever any doubt/a system crash, etc., I have all my info in one place. I also copy & paste any project instructions/good tips from blogs into a Word document & print them out for easy reference & keep themin a binder. Whole lot better then stray scraps of paper!
I can't thank you enough for this tip ~ I made my book today :)
Deanne G
This is such a great idea! BUt i guess I'm not very message board savy and can't seem to find the 'library' can you help me out with this? Please?!?
Thanks much!
I added the link for you in the copy but just in case you missed here is the link:
Thank you so much !
Too bad you can't sell them...I would LOVE one!! :)
Super Idea, i just printed everything, hihi Only had a hard time to fine hello kitty greetings, it isn't on the cricut.com site anymore, so had to google and found it.
thanks so mutch for making the gypsy easier for us. i learn so mutch from your blog.
Hi Sheila -- thanks so much for sharing this awesome tip -- I've featured it on my blog for my Feature Me! Friday post -- click here to check it out and grab the button for your blog.
I saw your wonderful organizing tip from Craftjunkietoos blog this morning. Thanks for the great idea! Just wanted to ask if your image copies have the url info on the top and bottom of each page or is there a way to eliminate that part?
Thanks again!
at verizon
dot net
Great idea. Thank you for sharing this I will definately by making this.
Great idea! I do this but I actually have copies of all the handbooks in PDF files in a notebook, that way I never use the original books and they are all in one place. Have over 45 cartridges information in 2 notebooks and still growing,LOL!
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