January 21, 2012

Copic Classes

Good Morning...

I am so excited that I just need to share with you about a class that I have enrolled in. A Copic Class - Created from Color - that will teach me how to use my new Copics! I've been buying them here and there and can't wait to learn all of the things the class has to offer. But where to start?  Did you know that there only certain types of ink you should stamp with when using Copics and that certain papers work better then others? This class will help me to understand the basic concepts like those mentioned and how to start coloring with Copic markers. Also, our very own Sassy designer, Melissa of Melissa Made will be co-teaching the class with the very talented Kristy Dalman - owner and artist of Some Odd Girl. Check out their work:

Wow, those girls can color!  I just wanted to share my excitement with everyone!!  For more information here is a link to their site:


papillon digital design said...

Yeah! cant wait to see you color. Melissa is so talented and it will be fun learning from her. Is she coming to Alabama?

Angi Barrs said...

Super talented ladies! Love these adorable cards!

Unknown said...

These are great!!! Have fun with Melissa!! Can't wait to see your projects!!!

Migdalia said...

AWESOME!!So Happy for you!Thanks for sharing the info pertaining to Copics. I did not know that. Have fun!