January 10, 2012

Stines and Stems

Hi everyone! This is Elizabeth from 217Creations. I am completely addicted to Glass Etching. It all started when my husband wanted to do an etched beer stine as a white elephant gift for his office holiday party.  I had never done any kind of etching.  I knew how to do but had never attempted it.
 I started by kiss cutting (3 depth, 3 speed, 3 pressure)  into vinyl.  He wanted "Risk Analytics"- his company's name.  I used Nate's ABC font at approximately 1 inch.
Once I had cut the vinyl, I placed the stencil of the font onto the mug. I placed the large portion first and then placed the center of the R and the A into the stencil.
We bought the mug at Goodwill for 49 cents. I then used a black sponge brush and covered the stencil with Armour Etch.
After about 10 minutes, I rinsed the etching cream off, dried the mug, and removed the vinyl. 
I had a hard time photography the mug.  
Remember you can enlarge any photo by clicking on it.
This was a huge hit at the holiday party since all the employees are male.  We boxed it up with some beer, pretzels, and beef jerky-  The Total Guy package
So after the success of the White Elephant gift, I got thinking I could do small gift for my siblings and their spouses for Christmas.  I went to the Dollar Store and bought all the men Beer Stines and all the girls Wine Glasses.
 I then used Blackletter Cricut cartridge for the guys at 4 inches.  
The wine glasses were etched with Wall Decor and More at 2 inches.
Each couple received a set with their first name initial etched into the glass.
You know its a good gift when it gets posted on Facebook with a shout out! My sister Kathleen and her husband Bret put them to use right away. As always thank you for commenting and of course following us here at She's A Sassy Lady on my personal blog at 217 Creations. I hope you have a creative day!


Angi Barrs said...

What a super fun project. I've always wanted to learn how to do glass etching.

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Love this project Elizabeth as I too love glass etching. Your glasses turned out awesome. Thanks for sharing with us today.

Lisa said...

Beautiful job Liz. I have not tried etching yet. Looks like fun.

Jan said...

Love them. I have a bunch of wine glasses I may have to etch them.

I think your pictures of the etching came out pretty good. I also had a hard time getting pictures of my etching to show up.

Barb Smith said...

The glasses turned out well. It's a very subtle touch to a plain glass. congrats.

Barb from Toronto, Canada

Cricut Couple said...

Fantastic Design! I love the etching and I have only used it once on Christmas ornaments. I have to try more! I always love everything I see with it!

RockinRenee said...

Haven't tried etching yet but I want to! Love your font choices!

Migdalia said...

Hi Sheila, I love how they all came out.I have wine glasses that were given to me as gifts bu tthey are plain. I have all the materials to etch.If I follow your dircetions I am sure that I can do it. Thanks for sharing and Love what you create.

Java Jen's Creations said...

Awesome project and gift idea!! I HAVE to try etching! I keep saying I want to do that but have yet to do it!! Thanks for the inspiration!!

Lori said...

I always like looking at what you come up with, Elizabeth! I want to try it out, too!

Hrvatica said...

Great project. Definitely feels good to get the shout out and know the gift is well received.

Carolyn/MamaC said...

Great etching projects! Thanks for the tutorial!

Unknown said...

Wonderful etching project Elizabeth, Love the font's you used and they look so elegant, what a wonderful personal gift to receive

Audrey Frelx said...

Elizabeth, your glasses look great!