April 22, 2012

Another Easter Layout

I am so excited that I am catching up on my scrap books I can't even express it fully. These photos are from Easter 2010! Can you believe it? The children will really love them. I was amazed at how much they have grown and how warm the weather was 2 years ago. We had a little blow up pool in the back yard for them to play in and we ate our Easter dinner outside!
As you can tell I am really behind in my scrapping so I was thrilled to find these Studio J 5 packs at Close To My Heart. Incredible only $55 and I can use the digital software FREE and it pays for 5 double page layouts or a total of 10 pages processed, placed in quality album sheets and even shipped directly to my home! I am thrilled and it was so easy. I did 10 pages all together, all at work on my lunch/break time and all I had to do was bring my little jump drive from home that I store my photos on.
I got to pick from their paper packs, decide how many photos I was using, brads, buttons, ribbons and it was so EASY anyone could do it.

 Here is the second page. Sorry about the little marks on the top corners of the page they are there for editing purposes and I didn't get them cropped all the way out when I did a clip of the pages for my blog so I could share with you. Don't you just love how you can zoom right in to those photos? Yes, it was a great day and now we finally have this memory on paper as I sent the order out today! 
And this is a copy of of the pages side by side, won't they look great in my album? I love how you can make your photos large or small... the pool photo cracks me up. And hubby will be thrilled to see just how much weight he has lost over the last year! Oh, the little dinosaur was a gift for me from my grandson, he wanted to make sure grandma got a present for Easter too!
Close To My Heart makes it so easy to put these pages together, I hope you too take the time to play and maybe make a few pages of your own. This page only took an hour to do from beginning to end.  I purchased a 5 Pack, that's where you buy 5- 2 page layouts complete with page protectors and free shipping so all I do is type in my code and they ship it out to me. I did 2 pages last week, these 2 today and have 3 more sets to go, then I will place the order for them to ship out. It's great that they will come right to my door. And, I love that I can do them right at my desk on my lunch hour! How nice is that? Now for those of you that order a Studio J 5 pack know that you qualify for the Dotty For You special paper pack for only $5 at time of purchase. The papers are just awesome, so bright and cheery they are just perfect for spring and summer. I have mine and can't wait to get working on some projects. Don't forget that you also would qualify for the stamp of the month too, and these are both a limited time offer. So hurry and get yours today.
Thank you for joining me today. I sure hope you liked today's project. Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement. your comments inspire me to continue sharing.


Charlotte C said...

Your pages are beautiful. I should really look into this digital program. I am only half finished with last year's photos that need to be scrapbooked and already I'm overwhelmed just thinking about it. Love your blog, Sheila - always something great to inspire us.

Candy said...

Fabulous layouts Sheila! The kids are so sweet!

Migdalia said...

Adorable Layout!!!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

So cute Shelia... i agree it probably is faster to do the digital, but i just love the feel of the paper and moving it around.. (and i have so much paper to feel and move lol).. super cute layout

Cricut Couple said...

Sheila, what wonderful pages! I really love that first one. I don't remember seeing that one and I have some pics that would be amazing for that design. I just have to try it! You enabler!!! Hee! Hee!

Java Jen's Creations said...

Awesome pages, Sheila! I really need to look into this program! Thanks so much for sharing this glimpse into your life!

Gina Casey said...

Beautiful family!!! The layouts are gorgeous! I am behind on my scrapping too. I better look into this...!

Barbara said...

Sheila, do you find CTMH software as easy to use as the other software you were using? I know you represent CTMH, but am intereted in a comparison. I haven't scrapped in years and would like to get back to it (either digitally or with paper). Thanks.

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Sorry, traveling today...
There are pros and cons on both. I like that you can get on the CTMH site withiut purchasing programss and finding additional papers to work with and I can have the items shipped directly to me at aafforable prce. Both are easy to work.

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Beautiful my dear friend...love the ease and how beautiful they turn out!

Lisa said...

WOW, your pages are beautiful. It's such a wonderful feeling of accomplishment to get pages done.

Simply Sassy Scrapper said...

Beautiful LO. Love how were able to fit so many wonderful photos! Great work!

Audrey Frelx said...

Beautiful, Sheila!!! If you aren't proud of yourself, then you should be!!! Great job on the pages!!!