April 29, 2012

Lake Geneva Wisconsin

Well I had a great time in Chicago on Saturday. We went to a dinner and a play with my brother and sister in law. Now if you no Chicago you know they have these little restaurants that are called Baker's Square where they make the best pie you have ever eaten.... well let me tell you I had to stop there and we took a French Silk pie home that evening to enjoy.... just the 4 of us! Ummm ummm umm, so good.
On Sunday morning we went to church and with my daughter and got to see all our old friends and it was so nice to catch up and we had a great little visit before leaving for lunch. This was like the perfect lazy Sunday because after lunch we went back to Heather's house and had  a great time with our grandchildren as well as sneaking in a little nap! I had to help Aiden fall asleep! teehee Then we drove to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin and had dinner at one of our favorite little restaurants; Popeye's on Lake Geneva
We had so many goodies that we decided to take a little walk with the children afterwards and hopefully settle our full tummies! It was brisk but the children really enjoyed walking along the lake and seeing all the different docked boats. Boy it sure brought back a lot of fond memories. You see Jim & I used to live about 20 minutes away from this little restaurant. Every Sunday evening as all the tourists would leave to go back home we would drive into town and have dinner with the locals. Yes good times with family is meant to be savored and cherished. These photos are of my daughter Heather and her family; Brianna, Carissa, Aiden and her hubby Dan. I miss them so much and it was great to spend the day enjoying each other's company.
I put together these 2 pages in about a half hour and they were ready to be printed. I have them saved on the Studio J site at Close To My Heart. I love how I was just able to choose my photos, pick the paper and layout and then journal a little and the page is ready.

On the last two pages I posted I was asked how I liked this program opposed to others and I have to tell you with everything there is pros and cons. The thing I like the most with the Studio J site is it's portability. I can access it anywhere and that is so important if you are like me and can have access to a computer during your lunch hour at work as it will save you a ton of time! I also like the ease of the program, there was no learning curve I was able to get on and immediately start my page, the program prompted me as to what I should do. The other thing I liked was the quality and affordability. I now have my first prints in hand as it was delivered right to my door and they are AWESOME! Affordability, consider, no paper, glue, embellishments, no gas to the store to pick up and the page protector is delivered right with the page! 10 pages for $55, they call it a 5 pack. I have a purchased program that if I process the only place I can go for a 12x12 is Costco and that is $3 per page, I have to have a membership paid in advance and I have to drive 15 miles away to get as well as purchase the protector to put my pages into.... so I figure it breaks out around the same. Yup, I decided to go with Studio J on these knowing I could do it right at my workplace or home in just a few minutes time. Will I ever use the other program, yes, as it also is a great program that I would highly recommend, but that one must be installed on your computer and I can't do that at work.
I hope I helped you a little today and that you enjoyed my digital page. I have hundreds and hundreds of actual photos that I need to scrapbook but unfortunately I must work for a living so it will all be in due time. In the mean time I will scrap my current photos on Studio J to keep me up to date and intermingle them with the regular pages that I have done.
Thank you for joining us today and for your sweet sweet words of encouragement. Your comments inspire me to continue sharing with you.


Audrey Frelx said...

Hi, Sheila! So you love Bakers Square, huh? LOL! Well, I'm pretty addicted to the french silk pies myself. AND, you went to Lake Geneva -- I LOVE going there; although it's been several years since I last went.

The pictures are great, and I'm so glad you and the family had a great time. One of these days, I sooooo look forward to our meeting up!

Hugs to you, my sweet friend!

Gina Casey said...

Beautiful family Sheila!! And, beautiful layouts as well!! I loved Baker's Square in California where I grew up. They all disappeared. No such place here in Colorado! Lucky Lady!!

Jeannie said...

Bakers Square is awesome!!!! And I will check out studio J for my quick page stuff. WoW!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

What a fun day you had, and what wonderful memories. I love your layout..

Nana Donna said...

Sheila what a fabulous lay out. I grew up in the Chicago area and remember Bakers Square well in fact my step-sister worked at one. I also love Lake Geneva, my Grandmother owned a little cabin;house on Twin Lakes and also a small diner. Wow the personal memories you brought back thanks

Java Jen's Creations said...

Sounds like you had an awesome time!! So happy for you! Studio J rocks! Great pages!!

Brenda said...

Love your digital lo Sheila! You and your family looks like you were having an awesome time!! Thanks for the low down on the digital programs. I've not went digital for fear of not being able to do it. lol But you have got my interests peaked!!

Angi Barrs said...

Fabulous pages and photos. I'm so getting into digital scrapping too. It's so quick and easy.

Rosie said...

awesome layout!!!!

you have a beautiful family


Carolyn/MamaC said...

Thank you for sharing your trip! What a wonderful time you and the family had together! You have many memories to hold to your heart and scrap!

Cricut Couple said...

So fantastic! Now I want a piece of pie! Thanks a LOT!!! Hee! Hee!