April 6, 2010

Glass Etching!!!

Our afternoon with the cricut started in the dining room with a little white wine, grapes, artichoke dip, salsa and chips, chicken salad spread and tomato basil spread...
So you know what the importance was today....
We did however finish two great projects..... below you will see the small glass jar with chocolate hershey kisses in it.... look a little closer and you will see my last name McShea, etched in the glass!

Below you will see a green baking dish etched with my name and all kinds of different fruit from the all new Preserves cart. It was difficult to see in the photos so we used a red towel  to make it easier to see the design.

Isn't this just too cool? Just think of all the gifts you can make.... endless. This jar was only 3.99 at Hobby Lobby and that was full price..... next glass sale I will be all over it!
This is Kim, she and her sister in law Laura came by today and btought all the goodies. I want you to know while they were snacking I did finish my Tuesday Treat project for Thursday so be sure you come back to TuesdayTreats.com on Thursday to see a layout designed from TBBM.
As soon as I finished the layout we went to the kitchen and started working on the etching right on the kitchen counter.... I might add both of these lovely ladies will be getting a Gypsy after meeting my Gyspy Woman and watching her strut her stuff!
Laura and I played Patty-Cake with my new 12x24 mat to ready it for the vinyl I was going to place on it.
After cutting the center design I realized I need to get my design off a piece at a time so I used an exacto and the edge of my cutter.
I carefully removed all the background from the cut as I was going to do a reverse etch so my letters and art would be clear. Isn't my design cool looking? I just love the new Preserves cart.
I then cut a piece of clear contact paper and used that to lift the vinyl from the mat.
I caution you to make sure it is stuck down and lift ever so slowly making sure the vinyl is coming up.
Yipee I got it... one piece.
Laura helped me center it to the bottom of the baking dish.... I guarantee no one can accidently take this dish by mistake, thinking it is theirs!
Then I made sure all the air bubble were out and all the edges were securely adhered to the dish.
Success, I have melted in the heat and the stress of getting it securely on.... I'm sure the wine had nothing to do with it....
I put cute little words on the side.... blueberry, applecrisp, cherrypie, muffins.... great baking dish. I checked it out completely before putting on the etching cream.
Lookin' good.
I applied the etching cream.... next time I will apply it thicker.... I bought too small of a jar or Armour Etch® Glass Etching Cream for such a large job. Directions said 5 minutes and rinse off. I used 20 and really think it could have stayed on longer for this type of glass..... tempered and all.
While it was being timed, Kim went to work to get the jar ready....
She loved how it was coming up in one piece.
Voila! It is done!
I then cut it away from the scrap and applied the contact paper.
We applied the cream and went back to the baking dish.
We washed it off and then proceded to try to get a photo... and boy is that hard to do on a sunny day.
So we put a red towel under it so you could see.... perfect for chocolate cake or brownies!
See how nice it turned out...
And here is the jar...
Well I hoped you enjoyed todays project, we sure had a lot of fun making it and learned a lot in the process.
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Thank you for your sweet comments, they always encourage and inspire me.


217 Creations said...

Sassy!! All that food made me hungry!!!!!!!! I love your design! Just beautiful, Looks like you had a good time!

Beatriz Farquhar-Guzman said...

this is amazing!!!!!! Love it..... thank you for the directions, have to try this pretty soon! Happy Tuesday!

papillon digital design said...

A very nice idea. Always a good idea to etch glass with your name ;) so that the right dish comes back home to you as it can be easily identified.

CuddlyBunny said...

BANG! That was my jaw hitting the desk ... both pieces are awesome, especially your baking dish.

Also can't imagine how you had ANY wine and still managed to get things on straight!

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

I had about 3 sips from my glass.... I won't say who finished off the bottle but it wasn't me! It was too hot to drink, I just refused to turn on the air in April so I just melted while we worked and visited and had fun all day!

2 Ducky said...

There was cricuting and wine??? Why was I not invited? I swear, one time getting out of control and I am off the list? Kidding! Just kidding. Looks like you were having so much fun and LOOK at those GORGEOUS creations! I worked with the etching cream at xmas and had great results. Love that stuff!

Diane (djuseless) said...

OMG, that's awesome! I totally forgot about being able to do that. I like that you used regular 'ole contact paper instead of the transfer paper, it much more reasonably priced.

Question: What is the name brand of the etching cream and where can you get it?

I'd love to do something like this for my Mom and MIL for Mother's Day!

Schluter said...

Love this! Thanks for sharing. This inspires me to try this!

Cheryl Boglioli said...

Sheila, those are just awesome. I love all the details you included on your baking dish, but more importantly, in this blog post. Thank you for all the time you put into sharing that. It also looks like you gals had a great time. I REALLY want that cart b/c I also do canning of jellies and fruits. Now I HAVE to get it.

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Oh Shelia, they turned out just beautiful. AND everyone seems to be having so much fun doing it.. Thanks again for all you instructions, you always make it seem so easy.

Audrey Frelx said...

Sheila, your etching looks great!!! Love patterns you designed. You guys looked to be having sooo much fun; wish I could have been there! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Those are awesome! I'm so impressed. I really need to try this.

flowerdisco said...

Oh Sheila...I will have to give this etching and vinyl a try. Both projects came out so beautiful. Thanks for all the pics, instructions and tips. I really appreciate it. :)

Anonymous said...

I haven't tried etching yet, but you did an absolutely BEAUTIFUL job!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that glass dish you did, so pretty!!! :-)

Helen said...

Glass etching is sooooo addicting. I hope you are scraping off the excess after you've used it, for you can use it over and over again.

Great dish!

cuttlebug_fan said...

WOW!!!! That's beautiful. TFS!

GrannyCharlotte said...

Woweee!!! Great projects. Ya'll looked like you were having a great time. TFS.

racinggrandma61 said...

Great job.

Beth said...

Oh, I love all of the pics you provided. It looks like you guys had fun!

Jen Green said...

I see wedding gifts in the future. This is really cute and I might have to try it sometime in the future.