April 2, 2010

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! A Royal Proclamation Has Been Made!

I Sheila aka SassyLady have been crowned Queen SassyLady by her royal highness Queen Cindy at Crazy For Crafting! Cindy does awesome pojects and is always willing to share her talent with all the subjects in the bloogging kingdom and beyond! Be it cards, boxes, bags or gifts a Crafting Queen shares throughout the kingdom reaching far and wide to create a beautiful kingdom filled with love, glitter, ribbon, and bling.
Now it is my royal decree as Queen SassyLady to Crown other Royal Crafting Queens..... I have searched the kingdoms far and wide for worthy ladies and gentlemen that share the desire to pass their crafting love and skills to all the subjects in the kingdom without royal fees or taxes and have found these worthy subjects...
To take up your crown the new Queen must link their blog to the sender of this blog and any future Queens they crown. . If you've been crowned, please send an email to Queen Cindy at me at Cre8tveLdy@aol.com and Queen SassyLady at shesasassylady@hotmail.com, along with your web or blog address and the website of whoever crowned you, so you can be listed as a Royal Blogger. (If you need the "King" version of the award, let Queen Cindy know and she will email it to you.)
I hope you will proudly display this award on your site, and I thank you for being such a benevolent Queen or King who is so generous to your loyal subjects!
And now for the first crowning ceremony, I would like to send you to the following:
Sandy at Details By Sandy
Sandi at Soft Side Of Sandi
Beatriz at Amazing Grace
Barb at Crafty Girl


Sandi Clarkson said...

AW, Queen Sheila, how sweet are you to bestow this gift upon my humble head. I will have to straight away get it posted to my royal blog!

shari said...

Congratulations!! Shari (cricutrookie)

Sandy said...

Way to go on the card recovery! Good to see I'm not the only one who cuts wrong! I too hate to throw things out!! I always amaze myself that I HAVE to think hard about which way to cut 8.5 X 11 cardstock to get an A2 card opening the way I want!! Congrats on the Queendom award too:)

Barb Craft said...

Oh MY GOODNESS!! I was just strolling along through your blog checking out all the amazing things you have going on... and I must say... totally impressed with all the new ideas and diverstiy of ideas... so much inspiration!!!! But anyway... I stumbled across this award (which I have already congratulated a few ladies for receiving on their blogs) when I realized... that' my name!!!! I am one of the first four to ever receive such a distinguished honor!!! wow... almost makes me feel a little guilty for being AWOL the past two week!! I am so thrilled and honored that you picked me... especially when I have seen the amazing talent you work with!!! Can't wait to get it posted and awarded!!
Oh... congratulations on your new design team!! I'm kind of sorry I was out of the loop the past few weeks.... missed the dates!! Oh well... you have an amazing team of people around you and a fabulous blog community that you are creating!! Way to go!!
Barb :)