December 1, 2011

The Kids Corner Featuring Brianna and Carissa

While I was in Chicago I had the pleasure of spending time with my grandchildren. Recently I gave my daughter my baby bug when she came to visit and would you believe she had it 3 months and hadn't even turned it on!!! Well we got out the machine and I showed Heather how to work it by showing Brianna and Carissa. Well they are thrilled with it and made a few cards. These photos are of our time together. Brianna is showing Carissa how to apply Zip Dry glue to her project.

Carissa is doing a great job of doing exactly what Brianna taught her and her card is coming together nicely.
Carissa picked out her artwork and papers from Doodlecharms. Her mom was busy putting all the carts in the Cricut storage binders as she is reading herself to go to a crop in Gurnee, IL in November.

Her is Carissa's little Reindeer card... I might add she continued working on it and it ended up being a letter to Santa.
Carrissa is so proud of her card and loves working the Cricut. I think I will get cards from the children for Christmas! Yeah! And they are having a blast. Seems all my grand children love crafting.
Brianna's was the first card we did and the Popsicles are adorable. She made 2 cards. We actually made a wrong cut (the one on the right) and Brianna said we can use that as it is still good and you know what.... she was right.
Then we got a little creative and cut out the Mickey head from the Mickey font and Brianna took on this challenge and put it together.
 Look at this it turned out perfect, don't you love it?
Oh, this is little Aiden, he gave us all kinds of advise as he was too little to work the machine and play with glue. Instead little Aiden stayed at the table and ate goodies while we crafted.
This is my daughter Heather putting together a little Christmas tag... as you can see it on the computer.... I should show hubby this he complains that I use glue on the counter and she is using her laptop!!! Gutsy. Notice Carissa is there offering her advise!

I had to add this photo as last night Heather sent me a photo of Brianna's school project. She used the baby Cricut and Dress Up Paper Dolls to make this! I am so proud of her, she is only 9 years old, didn't she do great?
I hope you enjoyed today's post and will offer a lot of encouragement to Brianna and Carissa they did a great job on their cards and working with the Cricut! And to you Heather I am sure all the people reading this will agree you will love your little Cricut and before you know it you will want the big one!


Dan and Heather said...

Thanks Mom for showing us how to use the Cricut. The Kids and I have enjoyed it more since you showed us. I am starting toget more creative as you can see with Brianna's school project. We will enjoy it as the time goes on. Great Job Girls and Aiden too. Thanks Mom for coming to Chicago and showing us how to use the Cricut.

Anonymous said...

It is so much more fun when the kids are involved! Yours do a great job. Very creative.

Unknown said...

Well done Brianna and Carrissa, not forgetting little Aiden :)
Young budding artist in the making me thinks!!!
Fabulous school project too, who's a clever girl then ?!!!
Fantastic job & I expect to hear shortly that Heather has invested in a bigger machine, she just has to now !!

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

So happy you are all enjoying the Cricut but happier yet that everyone is so so very creative. The cards are beautiful and look at that school project, WOW! I can see you using this machine for years to come. Enjoy yourselves.
Love Grandma

Grandpa said...

Look what little artists you have become. I really like your creations and am proud of you.
Love PaPa

Bunnyfreak said...

So cool that your whole family crafts. I remember crafting with my gramie and mom when I was a kid. Pure Bliss.

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Oh looks like you all had SO much fun! Gorgeous creations made by everyone!!!

Audrey Frelx said...

How wonderful you gave then your baby bug to enjoy. What fun that must be!!! I love doing things with my family!!!

Glad you enjoyed your trip to Chicago; can't wait for one of those visits when we can finally get together!

Java Jen's Creations said...

I absolutely LOVED this post!! What a treasure to share your love of crafting with your daughter and grandchildren! I agree - your granddaughter did a FABULOUS job on her project!! Thanks for such an inspiring post!!

SherriC. said...

your grandkids definitely got there crafting gene from there
they did a great job!!!!
and I totally agree, your daughter will for sure be wanting a bigger bug very soon...

scubascrapper brandi said...

Crafting really does have a way of bringing the age gaps together, doesn't it?!! My 17 and 7 year old nieces love coming to see me, their 38 year old aunt, to craft. This was a great feel good post. They all did such a great job and WOW at the school project!!!

Unknown said...

WOW! Great projects by all! It looks like the whole gang had a wonderful time.

Lisa said...

What a cute family Sheila. They look like they has so much fun learning and creating. The girls did an awesome job. I too started out with the small one. Glad I got the Expression though, ended up selling my Baby Bug. If your daughter gets the Expression,the kids can use the Baby Bug and they can all create together. Great job girls and your grandson is too cute.

Carolyn/MamaC said...

Thank you for sharing your heart with us! This has to be the best creative post I have seen! How blessed you are to have such a beautiful and loving family! All the projects are wonderful and the school project is fabulous! I think they all have a little bit (or a lot) of Grandma Shelia in them! LOL!!!

Debby said...

Sheila, your grandchildren are adorable! The cards are so cute and how great that they love crafting with Mom and Grandma! The school project is amazing! What wonderful memories to scrapbook.


Cricut Couple said...

Looks like so much fun! I wanna play!