April 30, 2012

Post it Note Holders with matching pen

Hi everybody, it's Shakey from Crafty Pink Butterfly. Today I am sharing I project that is super easy to make. First I would like to apologize because I wanted to make it with a 4x6 frame but realized to late that I only had 3.5x5 frames but it works great whatever size you choose to use.

For the first note holder I decorated it with a Spring theme and will change it for every season or holiday.
With the second I used the same paper because I love it and it has pink butterflies and made a year long calendar to go one it.
To make these you will need
- a 3.5 by 5 piece of cardstock
- a 4x6 or 3.5 by 5 acrylic picture frame (I got mine from the Christmas Tree Shop bit they have them at Walmart, when you buy the 3.5 frame, the elevated part should be on the short side and with the 4x6 it should be on the long side )
- a monthly calendar print out calendar from the web (search 2012 monthly calendar and print the one you like the best)
- a 2.5 by 2.5 square of cardstock to attach to the calendar
- a 1 by 3 1/4 inch piece of matching cardstock for the pen
- a regular size post it note and
- a embellishment for your season/holiday holder

First you put the cardstock in the frame.
For the pen, you twist the end on the pen off and remove the pen and put it on top of the paper and roll in tightly around the pen then insert it back in the pen.

Then you add your embellishments and your all done.

I hope you like my project and hope you will try it out.

The pens are R.S.V.P pens, they can be found in a 2 or 3 pack at the dollar store, a 5 pack at Staples and a 12 pack on Amazon.com.


Chris said...

Where do you get the pens???

TheTulipCollector said...

Really pretty...thank you for reminding me about the embellished RSVP pens. It is the perfect thing to add to a swap! I am gonna do that tonight!

Migdalia said...

Lovely paper!darling gift for Mother's Day/Teacher Appreciation week!TFS

Nana Donna said...

Awesome, thanks for sharing such a fabulous project these would make wonderful gifts

Carolyn/MamaC said...

What a creative set! Thank you for the instructions!

scootingranny said...

What a wonderful idea! Thanks for directions and where to get the pens!

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Shakey this is just as cute as can be... sorry I didn't comment yesterday but was home sick in bed. It will make a wonderful little gift! Thanks for sharing with us.

Java Jen's Creations said...

Awesome little gifts!! I love that you can easily change them for the occasion and/or season!! You did a great job!!!

Cricut Couple said...

I am just in love with this project! A guaranteed scraplift! Love it!

Audrey Frelx said...

What an adorable project!!!

Wow, we must have lousy Dollar Stores here because I never see all these nifty little things you guys find... lol!!!

Great project, again, and would a cute gift it would make! TFS!

Rosie said...

I love making these for christmas! where do you find the calendars
