October 20, 2014

Print Then Cut a digi with Explore

Hi, this is Charlotte C, and I’m excited to be here today.  Thank you, Sheila, for this opportunity.  I hope you are all enjoying the change in weather.  Here in New York we’ve had a September with all seasons except snow.  It’s been hot, cool, cold, rainy – you name it.

Okay, now to my excitement.  I found a black and white digi stamp on line that I wanted to color and put on some note cards for a friend, but I really didn’t want to sit and color 6 copies of it.  So I brought the black and white image into Photoshop Elements.  I have PE 10.  This is what it looked like. 

By using the Magic Wand Tool and following instructions I found on YouTube, I was able to color the image till it looked like this.

 I am by no means expert or even a novice in using PE, but with a series of trials and errors and knowing all sections to be colored had to be isolated from the others, I fumbled my way through it and achieved success. 

Now comes the Design Space fun part.  OMG, so super easy.   In DS, I imported the colored image, and by following the prompts to insert and clean it, I printed it on my printer using SU Whisper White card stock, and I duplicated the image before printing. You can see the registration marks in the three corners on this picture that has four images.

I then loaded the printed sheet into the Explore, pressed cut, sat back, let the Explore do its thing, and marveled at the results.

Here’s the finished product.

I created a box for the note cards and envelopes by using my WRMK envelope maker!  I can share that info if you want.

If you would like to do a print then cut from an image in the Cricut cartridge library, all you have to do is click flatten once you bring bring the image into DS.  Like these from Create A Critter 2.  No layers, just die cuts.  Cool, right?
 Hope you try cutting digis, colored or not.  Happy fall and Happy Halloween.


Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Charlotte what a great idea for stamping multiples. Makes it much easier. Love the Explore!

Karon said...

Fabulous cat - love love it. I love the little gift set! TFS