September 22, 2011

10 Things I Love About You Card...

Hey Ya'll,
Sassy Dude Day for me.  I have a very special card to share with you today.  I made this up for Jill.  I thought it up back when I first saw the images of the bookmarks on the Sophie Cartridge.  There is also a great scrapbook layout like this in the CTMH idea book that helped me finish up the thought.
 I printed the patterned papers for this card from Cricut Imagine Elise Cartridge.  I only used three traditional Cricut cartridges for this card... Shocker, right?!?  They are...
 You can download the Gypsy file HERE
 I used the book marks for the little tabs.  I simply contoured out the tab cuts in the center.  This way, I could write on them.  I put together all of the layers as shown above.
 I loved this birdcage image.  I cut two of each birdcage and birds.  I wanted plenty of layers.  I also added the flowers and leaves on this screen.
 I ended up cutting this entire shape out from TBBandM, but I used my straight cutter to slice off the highlighted part.  I only needed the pocket.  After everything is was cut, I inked it all with a rust colored ink.  It worked really well with the printed papers.
 This is what the tabs look like when all of the layers are together.  I used glossy accents on the numbers and it really makes them much richer than without.  When these are dry, you can start writing your special notes on each one.
 I folded and added ribbon and lace to the front of the pocket and then folded the edges under before attaching it to the card.  I then added it to the card and added my other cuts.  I also used glossy accents on the bird cage.  I added glitter to the bird and some gems here and there.  I used lime green stickles on the center of the flowers as well.
I found a font that I liked and printed out the "10 things I love about you!" strip on the computer.  I then used regular old fashioned scissors and hand cut out the banner shape.  Hee! Hee!  I almost forgot how to use scissors.  Hee! Hee!  I used 3D adhesive on the banner like the other pieces, but I used a little wet glue in between to give it a wave across the bottom of the card.  I then coated every bit of it with stickles (crystal).  Once that was completely dry, I coaded every bit of it with gloss accents.  It really brought out the font that way.
 For the inside, I added more flowers and leaves. and a sentiment mat.  I did use every flower cut from this setup on the gypsy, but you wouldn't have to use that many if you don't want to.
Once it's all dry and done, simply write out your ten things and place them in the pocket. It's that simple!
Jill loved her card and I was so happy with the end result.  Don't you just love it when a thought in your brain comes out almost exactly like you pictured it?!?  YAY!  We would love to know what you think of it too.

Sheila has offered to let me design again for you on the 29th, so to celebrate, I am having a little giveaway over on my blog at Cricut Couple.  Come on by and leave us a comment! I will be announcing the winner on the 29th, when I share my extra project for this month!

Thanks so much Sheila, for letting me play!  This is so much fun and thanks to everyone for visiting today and telling us what you think!  We all love your comments!


Sheila aka SassyLady said...

What a GORGEOUS card. I bet Jill was thrilled! I love all the detail and true to most Cricut Couple designs it is unique and one of a kind.... that is until it is scrap lifted! tee hee
Thanks for sharing this amazing card and great tutorial.

Unknown said...

What a stunning card, Jill is a lucky Lady :) Your tutorial was super too

Dan and Heather said...

If my husband would only do something this nice for me! This card is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful! Let me count the ways;
1. Color
2. Detail
3. Sentimental
4. Glitter
5. Bling
6. Birds
7. Beauty
8. Original
9. Bird Cages
10. Filled with love.

Granny said...

Look at this lovely card. It is just awesome. Your wife is a lucky lady to have someone as romantic as you.

Jennifer said...

Wow, I love this card, wish my husband would send me something this sweet.

Bamabel said...

How cool is this! Beautiful card!

CathyinMN said...

It's no wonder Jill loved the card. I love it, too! It's beautiful. TFS!

Sharon said...

This card is beautiful, I know you wife cherishes it.

Lisa said...

WOW, that is absolutely gorgeous, I love everything, those bird houses are darling.

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Beautiful!!!! I love it - fabulous idea!

Bunnyfreak said...

Adorable. I am sure your wife loved it.

Java Jen's Creations said...

Wow!! I absolutely LOVE this card!! Everything is just perfect - the beautiful colors, the detail, the bling, the cricut cuts...... I could just go on and on!! Thanks for sharing this!! I have to go make one now!! :-)

Heather R... mousemomma said...

Very creative and absolutely stunning!

Beatriz Farquhar-Guzman said...

This is soooo pretty!!!! Love it

Unknown said...

Love this Sassy Dude!!! I am more of a scrapbooker and I can see this as a Top 10 journlaling pocket on a layout!!!

Stacy said...

WOW!! What a great card. It looked like a lot of work but what a pay off. This is stunning
Hugs, Stacy

Snowmanlover said...

Oh my gosh, this is so beautiful and cute! said...

This is beautiful, love the design and color combination, and like Lori stated, this can so easy -ly be incorporated on a layout... and like Sheila said.. until it is scraplifted! ha!

Shelley said...

OMG this is absolutely the most beautiful card I have ever seen.


Audrey Frelx said...

Oh my God, I love this!!!