September 18, 2011

Altered Chocolate Box

Hi ya everyone!  This is Melissa from Melissa Made and I'm sharing a little altered box I made with you today.  I missed a very special friends (*wink *wink) birthday and I just simply had to go over the top with something for her.  I had a Godiva Chocolate box that was empty but the box itself had a unique shape.  I kept it for altering.  I painted the entire thing with Gesso which is an acrylic primer paint.  I then used a tan acrylic to paint the outside.  I covered the majority of it with some beautiful papers and flowers.  I created a video describing some of the simple things I did.
After finishing the box I filled it with all sorts of little goodies for her!  I hope she enjoys it and you do too!
Here are a few more pictures of the dimension.

If you are interested in any of the products please watch the video as I talk about where I got them!  Thanks for letting me share today Sheila - have a great day and please stop by my blog Melissa Made for more fun projects!
I love comments and questions too - so please feel free!


Debbie said...

The box is beautiful! I love how you trimmed the edges with the bloomers!

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Melissa this box is just GORGEOUS! I love it and can't wait to see it in person! (wink-wink!)
So beautiful inside and out! LOVE IT! Thank you for sharing this with us today and thank you for this WONDERFUL GIFT! I can't wait to get the mail.

~Marlene Krogh~ said...

Beautiful box, hope it brings joy !

Running Turtle said...

Oh my! That is very pretty! Simply elegant! I love this blog so many wonderful ideas!!

Unknown said...

OMGorgeous!!!! Love how your box turned out!!!! I, too, save boxes to alter!

Cricut Couple said...

This is STUNNING! Love ever single little detail! So Beautiful!

Nadia ( said...

Beautiful project!!

Dan and Heather said...

This is just amazing! I love the detail in this project and all the dimension. If she doesn't like this box, just send it to my house! TFS

Audrey Frelx said...

Melissa, your box is just gorgeous!!! I just love-love it!!! You put soooo much work and detail into it! What a wonderful gift to Sheila, how can she (or anyone) not anticipate recieving something this lovely! And it's handmade to boot!!! LOL!

Paper Compulsions said...

Beautiful box. I love the flowers and buttons. Lovely papers too.


Unknown said...

Melissa your box is adorable, Lucky Sheila, It's my birthday on Thursday...any chance of you making one for me LOL!!! All joking aside, you made a beautiful gift and I'm certain Sheila will treasure it.
Adele said...

Wow look at this beautiful creation!!! All that detail., beautiful!!