September 19, 2011

Altered Love Frame

Hi ya everyone!  This is Melissa from Melissa Made.  Thank you Sheila for allowing me to share today!  I've had a lot of fun lately trying to alter frames and boxes and I'd like to share a very simple frame that I altered using some vinyl cut on my Imagine.  In the following video I show you step by step instructions starting with the Gypsy and finishing with the embellishments.
For those that already know how to cut vinyl and prepare altered frames here are a few extra pictures!  I attached the floral embellishments and white trim with hot glue.

Please feel free to ask questions and leave comments!  I'd love to hear what you think!  For more fun projects please visit Melissa Made.


Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Melissa this is beautiful. Don't you love working with vinyl? It makes wonderful projects. I have to set my depth at 3 or 4 with my expression, I think all the machines are a little different and you just need to figure out what is best for yours. I was thrilled to see that you could still use the letters even though it cut through. Super to know that as you know I very seldom get things right the first time! LOL This should make a wonderful addition to your bedroom. Thanks for sharing with us today.

Unknown said...

Another wonderful creation Melissa.
When I use the Imagine to cut vinyl, I have my blade depth at 3 to kiss cut but as Sheila has said, each machine works differently.

Debbie said...

This is beautiful! Love the lettering and cluster of flowers!

Bunnyfreak said...

Love the flower clusters.

Dan and Heather said...

This is so pretty, you inspire me to make something for my bedroom like this too.

Sandy from Ukiah said...

This is just beautiful...

Unknown said...

Very cute!

Snowmanlover said...

Wow, beautiful!!

Audrey Frelx said...

Melissa, you're frame is so very pretty; I love the touch of the flowers also!!!

I love working with vinyl although I don't do it nearly often enough, however, your project is such an inspiration!

Great job, my friend!

Unknown said...

This is just gorgeous!!! What a great gift idea with the holidays coming up!!!

Cricut Couple said...

Simply Said... "It's LOVEly"! Beautiful as always! said...

Lovely project Melissa! I have not cut vinyl in a while...TFS