September 13, 2011

So Many Shoes Card

Hi everyone! This is Elizabeth from 217 Creations.  Besides crafting, I love to shop and I especially love to shop for shoes.  When I find a pair I sometimes I buy it multiple colors, especially if it is comfortable and super duper sassy!
 After not having a birthday card for my friend last week, I have set aside making Christmas cards to make some Birthday cards and some Everyday cards for my stash.
I started with the Imagine Teresa Collins Black and White pattern cartridge.  I chose 3 patterns and cached them into the Imgaine's memory.
Next I  inserted the Better Together cartridge.  
I chose the shoe and scrolled passed all the built in patterns to my 3 cahced patterns.
I changed the shoe pattern 3 times; once for each pattern.  
 This shoe was Printed and Cut at 1.5 inches.
 Then I added some metal bling from Imaginisce with the I-rock.
 I then made my A2 card base .  I stamped the sentiment "So many shoes, so little time" from Pink By Design Shopaholic. I hot glued a boa strip to the bottom.

Finally, I used pop dots and added my shoes. SIMPLY FAB!
 I just love this card! I hope you do too! I know many of my readers do not have the Imagine, but you achieve the same thing with pattern paper and a number of Cricut Legacy Cartridges that have shoes.  One of my favorites is Wall Decor and More!



Sheila aka SassyLady said...

I just love this card. The shoes are awesome and the boa just takes it over the top! Love it! Thanks for sharing this awesome card with us today.

Granny said...

I just love shoes.... a girl just can't have enough. What a wonderful card this is.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I really like this card and the wild prints on the shoes TFS

Lisa said...

Very jazzy, love the shoes and the boa.

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Oh my gosh - so cute! Love the boa!

SherriC. said...

LOVE it Elizabeth!!!!!!
thank you so much for sharing!!!!

Unknown said...

Great card, that "feather" boa is a fab touch x

Heather R... mousemomma said...

I used to be a shoe collector too! Love the card, so cute! The boa is fabulous!

Java Jen's Creations said...

This card is fabulous!! I have not tried caching patterns yet on my Imagine but this inspires me to!! Thanks for sharing yet another beautiful creation!!

Cricut Couple said...

OK... This is just brilliant! I would have never in a million years thought about pulling that shape and filling it from that other cartridge. Hee! Hee! This is just FANTASTIC and "VERY SASSY"! YAY!

liz at liz's paper loft said...

sooo cute!

Audrey Frelx said...

Elizabeth, I love your card!!! You alaways-always amaze me!!!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

I love this.. especially love the zebra shoe... super cute.