August 18, 2013

Close To My Heart Stamps, Even Easier To Use Now!

Well I have my Artbooking Cartridge and it is wonderful, but we all knew it would be. But did you take a look at Close To My Heart Stamp Sets..... Take a close look.

Close To My Heart still has all the quality that we have grown to love but now take a close look at the instructions on the stamp sets! Don't you love it.... INSTRUCTIONS FOR CUT SIZES AND THE CARTRIDGE!!!  I love that! Don't you?
If you have the old sets you know back from the Art Philosophy Cartridge don't worry just click on the box in the right column here on my blog and you will have a full set to keep of your own or click HERE.
Hope your enjoyed today's post and I have helped you just a little along the way.
Thank you for your sweet word of encouragement. Have a blessed day.


Charlotte C said...

Haven't opened my Artbooking bundle yet, can you believe? I want the update to put it on my G. Someone said it takes a long time to update your Expression when you want to cut from CCR. Did you have that experience?
Oh, the stamp sets that came with Artiste have the cartridge name on them too. I just looked. You know I love you tutorials!

Charlotte C said...

duh - should have said "love YOUR tutorials" sorry

Tanya said...

Hi Sheila! Love your blog...such wonderful and inspiring ideas and projects... I was wondering if there was a list of stamps that coordinate with the Artiste cartridge as well...I just printed out your list for the Art Philosophy cartridge ...Awesome! And a great big Thank You!

Anonymous said...

Great tutorials. Thanks so much for the image location for the CTMH stamps.