March 18, 2015

Army Scrapbook Pages

This is the weekend my son graduated from boot camp. We were so proud of him and did get to spend a little time with him... as you can see he was shining his boots for the  presentation we would have around dusk. Spend a few minutes with me and see how I put my pages together. Grab a cup of coffee, tea or a coke and let's visit.

Yes I used my Explore for the journaling and it is great. I decided I am not going to use it all the time though as I like the personal writing as later in life it becomes a treasure too.

Now see how easy it is to put the pages together. I like it better as I do it on the explore and then cut. I find that I still tweak a little before I glue down but it has made scrapbooking much easier.

This is a close up of how the lettering looks lifted a little from the page.

This is the second page heading.

The men look like they are having a good time. These are my sons buddies.

This just shows how the two pages butt up against each other.
I hope you enjoyed today's post and our little visit! Thank your for your sweet words of encouragement. Your comments continue to inspire me. Have a blessed day.


Cocoa's Mom said...

I DID enjoy watching you put your pages together, Sheila! I do appreciate your taking the time to explain your paper choices and the arrangement of the pictures and the other artistic choices you made for the title and journaling. For a scrapbooking novice like myself, it's just what I need to hear. Your finished pages did just what they are supposed to do - beautifully bring back the moment. More please! : )