September 21, 2011

Disney Luggage Tags......

Hello Crafty Friends.....
It Sherri from Sherri's Crafty I thought I would share a a set of Luggage Tags I made for my family's recent trip to Disney World....( we are there right now!!!!!)...
I recently bought the Your Story from Cricut (what a GREAT Deal if you are looking to purchase one) and I have not had the chance to use today we will try it out for the first time together...
 I cut out 2 black and one white to make 1 tag, the white was for the back, so we were able to write our info on them...then I used my ATG to adhere the 3 ears together...
 for the girls I used my Gypsy to weld Minnie's Bow to Mickey's ears...
(soooo cute!!!!!)
 the girls definitely out number the boys!!!!
  I must add some Glitter.....get out your Stickles....
 now lets Laminate.....turn on your Your Story....and you must push the Laminate didn't hehehe) now open the laminating sheets and place the ears in between, with a little space between them

 here it is going through the laminator
now using my Big Bite I punched a hole in the ear..
now add a little pretty ribbon for the girls....( pink Zebra Ribbon from 
Wal Mart.)
and a little black ribbon for the boys....
 and here are my Minnie Ears on My suit case....all ready for take off to the Happiest Place on Earth....
Thank you so much for stopping by today,
and Thank you so much Sheila for letting me share my project today....
if you have any questions, just leave me a comment and I will get back to you as soon as I get back from Disney World...
Happy Crafting.....


Carla's Cards said...

Great idea! I used this machine twice at Michaels during crop nite,m but they don't have it anymore:(
I have been thinking of ordering one, but was wondering how bad the smell is in the house. Are there any other issues with it?

Amy said...

Super cute and fun!

Peggy T. said...

Very cute idea. I have enough Cricut rewards to order this machine but don't know how much I would use it.

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Sherri, how fun is this! And useful too! I love all the little mouse ear luggage tags and what a great way to identify your luggage at the airport! Thanks for the great tutorial on this machine. I don't have one and this tempts me.

Java Jen's Creations said...

What a great project!! So cute!! For those on the fence about getting this machine - I say "Get it!" :-) has a great deal right now too! It's so worth it!

Angi Barrs said...

This is so fun. I love everything Disney. :)

Cricut Couple said...

How fun is this?!? What a great idea!!!

Beatriz Farquhar-Guzman said...

these are sooooo cute! what a great idea this is! Love it and thanks for sharing!

MelodyR aka Ry&MysMom said...

What a fun project! You have given me an inspiration to go dust off my Your Story.

Bamabel said...

These are adorable!

mfc.melissamade2 said...

These are super cute - and will be so HELPFUL at the airport when everyone's bags look the same! Thanks for sharing a fun project!

Daynene said...

Sherrie, I love these bag tags they are so cute. I am sure they all loved them. I too have the Your Story laminator but havent used it yet. Thanks for the inspirations. said...

What a super cute idea!

Shawn Mosch said...

These Disney tags are so cute! I am having a Link Up Party at my site tomorrow for Disney projects . . . these would be perfect for you to show off there.

Shawn ~ Getting Cricky Design Team Member
Crafty Chics Blog
and ~ Find your Cricut images FAST!
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Audrey Frelx said...

What cute and adorable tags!

luggage tags said...

The luggage tags information on the post is really helpful for everyone and I recommend others to read it.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this post I also tell you Having an alternate phone number, such as a voice mail line or someone you can trust to receive messages for you is a good option if you will be staying at more than one accommodation during your trip. Include the area code and phone number, as well as the country code if you will be traveling internationally.Plastic Luggage Tags