March 1, 2010

Making Cards On The Run With Scraps!!!

This has been a rough and WONDERFUL week at work. We have been soooo busy selling cars here at Edwards Chevrolet in beautiful downtown Birmingham that I have worked late each and every night. Unable to join my friends, Darlene, Freita and Debbie at lunch I ate ate my desk at odd hours. It seemed like I was always with cutomers during the lunch hour. But thats ok, we are selling cars and thats what counts!!!! One day I decided that I would close the door and make a card or two with the scraps from my Birmingham Zoo birds page.  I always keep my bag stocked and ready to scrap on the run so this will be a great test.
This time I thought I'd share with you what you can complete in 20 minutes as long as you are prepared.
So I reached in my bag and pulled out the 3 of the scraps as you see below. All were leftovers from the Birmingham Zoo Birds page including the flowers. Note the red piece I embossed with the paisley folder knowing it would be the perfect size for a card and then placed it in the bag with the other scraps. I trimmed my papers and of course cut the card wrong so my fold is at the top of this card that fits in a standard A2 envelope.
I have always kept an inexpensive trimmer in my desk drawer so I pulled it out and trimmed away my jagged edges on the patterned pater. Then I attatched to the red and the two on the card.
Playing around with my leftover flower from the bird page, the only reasonable place to position was in top left corner, so I attached with medium glue dots.
I added my ribbon and decided that I needed to stamp a message on this card.... Yes I have a few standard acrylic stamps in my bag and chose Friends becasue this card is going to a special lady.
I positioned on my block so it wouldn't touch the bow. And got out my little stamp pad that is just the perfect size for my messenger bag.
I stamped a few time to make sure it was inked properly and to decide how hard to push to get the right look as I hadn't used this stamp yet.
After testing I applied it to the card. But it still needed something.... so I checked the bag and yup stickles.... works every time. I saw the perfect dragon fly in the bag that matched the card.... but he was bigger than the birds so I put that red dragonfly back, pouting the whole time. So stickled the tips of the flower.
By then I had spend 15 minutes of time working so I thought I better start cleaning up so I would be ready for the next customer. I used the hand sanitizer to clean both the block and the stamps along with some paper towels. I always keep these both at my desk and in my purse as you never know when you will need to use a hand sanitizer - or for what purpose.
Make sure you are generous with the sanitizer and keep rubbing and reapplying until you get all ink off. Be sure to blot on the paper as a double check.
See how nice it works!
And look how great the flower looks now. I used red and diamonds.
Hope you like how todays project turned out.... only 20 minutes and that included cleanup time, mistakes, adjustments and taking photos so you could see. Note this is my one hour challenge scrap from the Cricut MB, I just couldn't upload photos or post this on my blog at from work. So know the hubby thinks he should post a photo of my blog on his face so I would pay more attention to him. LOL
Ladies my handsome hubby is wonderful and would laugh at that comment. Registered & Protected
Thanks for being with me today, I love hearing from you. I am encouraged by your comments.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful card! I can't believe you carry all that with you.

Beatriz Farquhar-Guzman said...

This is a beautiful card! I made a bunch too this weekend using papers that were over 2 years old. Have a blessed and wonderful week!

Beatriz Farquhar-Guzman said...

I just left a comment but I do not know where it went. Okay... I said it is a beautiful card! I made some too this weekend. Have a blessed and wonderful week!

Cheryl Boglioli said...

The card is adorable and your 'planning ahead' is brilliant. I work from home, but you now have me thinking how could I apply your idea to a small basket or tote so that I always have something to work on with a few spare minutes - rather than thinking that I have my whole craft room and I usually procrastinate b/c it would mean pulling a bunch of stuff out and putting it all back. Thanks so much for sharing.

cuttlebug_fan said...

Very pretty!!!

Monique said...

This is a sweet card. Good for you, crafting at your workspace. If i would do that, all the guys would gatter around my desk and have a good laugh. But honestly, they appreciate the things i make and of course the pix i take of the vehicles (heavy transport)we build.
Thanks for sharing.

papillon digital design said...

wow. Love the card. Where do you have time girl to make these awesome creations. Love the stickles and the heart adaptation. Left you one more award ;) in my blog

Sharon said...

Awesome card!! Can't believe you take a tote of stuff with you to work! That is just great that you can find a few minutes to create such an amazing card! I love it!! Have a super week and hope you keep selling those cars. :)

Barb Craft said...

Seriously... you did this on a short break at work?!!! You are like super woman or something!! That is amazing!! I wish I could be as well prepared as you!!! And it is sooooo beautiful!!!
Barb :)

Magoo said...

wow- you are the definition of PRODUCTIVE and TALENTED!!!

I adore birds and these are soooo cute!! I would pout about the dragonfly sounds lovely :)

I have enough points for the messenger bag....I could pre-pack like you do and when we go to the cottage I could make some mind is spinning :)