June 14, 2010

Blessed With A Blog Award!

This lovely litte award was presented to me by Sandy of Ukiah. She is such a sweetie and I hope you all go visit her to see her wonderful projects. It is an award that I have never seen before and has only one rule to follow.  I have to come up with either 6 truths about me and one lie or vice versa, you will need to decide which I chose!
1. I love the summer, warm weather, swimming and BBQs.
2. Married to a handsome man for going on 40 years.
3. I just love cats!!
4. Proud grandmother of 6;  3 boys and 3 girls.
5. There is not enough hours in the day to complete everything.
6. I am a finance manager of a car dealership.
7. I am looking forward to vacation this year.
So do I have 6 truths and 1 lie or 1 truth and 6 lies??? You tell me.
Now the hard part.... passing this on to others! I can't wait to see what they come up with.  I chose them as they are new blogs to me and are very talented ladies and I would love to learn more about them.... so you can learn with me.
Racing Grandmas Crafts
Never Pay Full Price
Card Making Corner
Creations Of A Paper Addict
Amy's Scrappy Space


Barb Craft said...

This is a fun award!! Loved learning more about you... still trying to figure out the lie... I think I have it narrowed down.... LOL!!!
Barb :)

Anonymous said...

That was easy - I know what the lie is! have a great day

Kim F

Anonymous said...

That was easy - I know what the lie is - the others are true! have a great day

Kim F