June 18, 2010

So You Want to Scraplift And Don't Have The Right Materials - IMPROVISE! Plus Dad Goodie Bags

Well ladies this is my Fathers Day card to my handsome hubby! The world's best Dad and it is a direct scrap lift from Jeannie Phillips' blog A Place For My Cards. Jeannie makes some of the BESTEST cards and I am constantly checking out her site. Well I came across this and quickly designed it using a different size. I like sticking with my trusty A2 4.25x5.5" format. By following her instructions I was able to design the card in no time at all. But my problem is that I didn't have any manly 2 sided card stock to make this card out of and was too lazy to go to the store. So this is what I did... IMPROVISED.
I backed the card. See the card on the bottom after I had everything in place I just highlighted, copied and flipped the card so that it had a mirror image. This meant 2 cuts but I figure that was cheaper than the last time I walked in for paper and walked out 5 stacks heavier! LOL
After I had all my parts cut I did what Jeannie said and inked all the edges.
I did all the parts... even the best and the little world and its continents.
Trust me when I tell you I was sloppy with my inking working from the back so most of it stayed on the back. Notice the fold I inked that completely with brown and then tapped in a little black so it looked good when the inside was attached.
For the inside piece I scored just like the front of the card but then I cut the fold off so that the card would fold properly.
See how nicely the inside looks and that before I even put the little sheet on for the sentiment.
I attached the front of the card however I noticed after I completed the card I really strayed here as Jeannie used glue dots allowing her top to be lifted from the base... I do like the way hers looks better but I can live with this look. Don't you think it looks nice?
Then I put my Worlds best together and I love the way that inking looks on the continents.
Then I added the best.
And the sentiment area.
This is the card almost finished.... I can't believe I didn't take a photo after I put the Crystal Effects on it... as it makes the card... if I get the time I will change it out.
Now look at that above... see the difference with the Crystal Effects? Also look at how glittery my paper is. I love DCWV paper. Just click on the photo for a closer look.
Jeannie Phillips thanks for the inspiration and allowing me to share your original design with others. I hope all will take some time and go see your beautiful blogs: A Place For My Cards and another favorite place of mine Jeannie's Daily Bible Verse.

Ladies in our house I have a handsome hubby, handsome son, and 2 handsome son-in-laws, and on Fathers day we do not exchange gifts but we do pamper our husbands just like they paper us on mothers day. Us ladies will do all the cooking, all the cleaning and watching the children so they can relax and enjoy their day. So I thought I would make them a little treat to take home when their day is done.
Look at these yummy papers from DCWV The Guy stack. They are just perfect for this project.
Here is a photo of my screen. I have been using the 12x24 mat and squeezing everything on it so that I can share with our DS users and Gypsy users. See how simple the design is.
I thought I would share with you how I cut out some of my designs. I didn't want to waste an inch of this paper so I didn't pre-cut to fit the mat. Instead I used my 12x24 mat placing my 2 sheets of 12x12 next to each other on the mat. I deleted the objects I didn't want and cut. Then I open my page again. NOTE WHEN IT ASKS DO YOU WANT TO SAVE FILE - SAY NO! Then I again moved my objects I wanted to cut to the edge, deleted what I didn't want and then cut. In a matter of 15 minutes the cutting was done and I had  24 pieces to put together for 4 little gifts.
I put everything in order and assembled my pieces.
I taste tested one of the candy bars as I wouldn't want any of our me to get sick or anything... it was a huge sacrifice!
Then I put the candy bars in the little 4 inch wide bag from Hobby Lobby and attached the label! TOO CUTE!
Well I hope you like today's project, I actually had fun with this and I think the guys will love to have a little stash of candy to take home with them after their dinner and deserts. These little treats take little or no time to put together.
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I am always encouraged by your sweet - sweet words. Your comments inspire me to keep scrapping and sharing things with you.


Anonymous said...

So so sweet of you to share the files for this Dad card. I was sorta stumped and you saved the day (at the last minute for me!). Thank you a million for this file!

Angi Barrs said...

Love this Sheila. It's so perfect for Dad! :)

Unknown said...

Love all of your hard work and "sacrifice" in the name of Father's Day!!!

Sandy said...

Wowzers gf....love that Bless Your Nest sign...isn't it great how we can get inspired by the things around us...and as for these dad's day creations...fantastic..the card is wonderful and I adore those papers from DCWV...you are so generous to take the time to share all of your hard work with all of us...thanx for being you!

mfc.melissamade2 said...

This is a perfect scraplift - love the colors you used and the technique to --mmm manify the paper!!! Beautiful!

Sandi Clarkson said...

Sheila, Just wanted to take a second and drop by and look at your newest creations for the week .. and those of your DT ... wonderful dad's day inspiration. And love that bless this nest banner! Always something good going on around Sassy Ladys blogspot!

Granny said...

This card is real cute, but do you have to wait on these men? Why don't you order out? Nice treat bags.

Barb Craft said...

Sheila... first of all... the Dad card is adorable!! I love the way you used the World instead of the word!! Very clever!! And the treat bags are a great idea.. you really do apoil the men in your life!! I think I need to work on this a bit!!!
Barb :)

Debbie said...

Great job Shelia! Always love the look of something that has been inked! Messy but well worth it!

scrappinlil said...

Wow you did an awesome job on this card..I also loved Jeannie's card....I love the little treat bags for all the guys...I might have to scraplift this idea. TFS

flowerdisco said...

great scraplift!

Penny Light/Light Whimsy said...

Wonderful Sheila. I love what you said about scraplifting Jeannie, I love her stuff too. Your little goodie bags are going to be great hits! What a cute craft!! Thanks for playing along with us at Fantabulous Cricut!

Beatriz Farquhar-Guzman said...

Fun project.... love it all.

Candace Pelfrey said...

Wow, this is great! I love those little goodie bags. Thanks for joining us at FCCB! :)

Valerie said...

Those goodie bags are awesome, and very cool coordinating card! Loved your tutorial on how it all came together. Thanks for playing along with us at Fantabulous Cricut:)