November 13, 2010

Gypsy Made Simple - Weld And Shadow

My computer froze up this week and we almost didn't have a Gypsy Made Simple Saturday!!! I kept on going and video taped the project and prayed that we could get it off the camera. My daughters computer couldn't talk to my little flip so I spent plenty of time praying and trusting. Praise God after 1 more attempt of blowing out all the dust with a full can of air, my computer took off and we were back in business. I was amazes as this computer is only 1 1/2 years old. All we can figure out is that a little piece of paper must have fallen in the keyboard and blocked the keys from working.
Oh well we are good to go and with an easy yet, important project for you this week. Welding and Shadowing. Two basic functions that you will use all the time be it card making or scrapbooks we all want our titles to look nice.

Today you will learn to weld and shadow as in the cards above. So please get something to drink and turn your Gypsy on and lets get to work.

In this first video you will learn to weld letters as well as alter their size. Then you will learn how to make shadows for welded letters.

In this next video you will learn how to take your welded letters and group them together with another group of welded letters. Then make a shadow for that! It really is easy and you will use these steps time after time so it is best to master them.

And this last video just completes the project by showing you how to bring two welded pieces together and turn them into one with an additional weld. This is completed with the shadow to match.
I cut out two with left over papers I had on hand and used other scraps to add color to the base of the card.
I added a little one inch strip to the bottom of the card and one on the inside along the side.
I glued the two pieces together.
Added pop up foam pieces to the back and discovered I did a poor job of aligning my two pieces. Guess I better talk less and scrap more! LOL
Completed card.
And a close up of the beautiful glittery paper from Stamp'n Up that I had left over from Valentines day.

I hope you liked my little project today. I wanted something that I can send a note it when it is in conjunction with Shes A Sassy Lady or the Cricut Message Board. Well this works out great it is simple to cut and put together. But, best of all it looks cute.

Now I CHALLENGE YOU TO MAKE A PROJECT WITH YOUR WORD AND LINK IT UP TO MY BLOG. Then we can see what you did and learn from it. You can use any font you want that has a shadow feature. Just make a word, weld it and then make a shadow for it. Cut your word and turn it into something. After you do just link it to my blog for us to ooh and aah over.
Remember if you have any questions be sure to email me at or if there is any area that you want me to cover please do the same as I am using your questions and suggestions for future Gypsy Made Simple features.

Thanks for your continued support and sweet words of encouragement. Your comments are what inspire me to share with you.


Kricut Krazy said...

OMG! This is my NEW favorite blog! Thank you SO much :)


Unknown said...

I just shared this link with my lovely Gypsy girls from Michaels!! Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us Sassy!!

Stacy said...

I am loving your Saturday videos. I just finished this card and fixin to post it on my blog now
Thanks so much

Barb Craft said...

You are getting so good at these videos Sassy!! I love the sassyness of this card!!
Barb :)

Sandi Clarkson said...

I love welding with my Gypsy-girl! You can zoom-zoom and really see the letters so well. Glad you got your computer up and running! Whee!

Avra Williams said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Audrey Frelx said...

Sheila, love your sassy card!!! Glad you got your computer issue resolved. Don't know if I'll have time to get into the challenge but I'll try!!!

MLiss3 said...

Thanks again Sheila. I'm always learning new tips with your videos. They are a favorite!

Josie0602 said...

You are so nice to share your talent with the Gypsy! I have wanted to be able to shadow but wasnt sure how to and was a little intimidated about it. You make is so easy to understand and today I am going to finish my little home decor project and I will be shadowing my title on it thanks to you! I will post it later!!

Hugs! You made my day!

Java Jen's Creations said...

You always amaze me!! Thanks for making this so simple! If you made a DVD with your tutorials, I would buy it - they are so valuable to a Gypsy owner, new or experienced!! Thanks again for a wonderful tutorial!! I will try to add my project in the next day or two!!

Shawnee said...

Thank you for making this look so easy. I am new to using my Gypsy and really appreciate you sharing your knowledge with us. Thank you again!

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Sheila - this is just fabulous! You are helping everyone so much and it's true you could sell them! The amount of effort that goes into each video I know has to be exhausting - but I love having my coffee with you in the mornings! Thanks so much!

Snatertje said...

thanks for this lesson, I learned a lot. I never knew I could change the names of the layers, that is one of the things I learned today. And make shadows with letters that don't even have a shodow on the cart, Thanks so mutch. I passed this blog on to other dutch girls.

Hug Linda