November 18, 2010

Java Nice Day

Hi Everyone,

This is Lisa from Lisa's Craft Room coming to you very sad and apologetic. I am so very sorry to everyone, especially Sheila. I have been dealing with some personal family issues and have not had time to come on the computer or scrap. I knew all week that my turn was coming up and I had to come up with something. I didn't want to leave everyone hanging at the last minute, especially you Sheila. So, here it is 12:30 A.M., and I just finished up a simple but cute card. If you own the Gypsy, you know that we got free cartridges and I was so thankful for them. Thanks PC. I haven't even had a chance to try them out, so I decided that I would make one tonight using the Smiley Cards cartridge. As Sheila says KISS. I did some doodling, added a pink bow and some bakers twine and wrote the sentiment. Again, please forgive me for not being better prepared.


Stacy said...

Super cute card. No need to apologize at all. Thanks for sharing

J said...

Thanks, Lisa - that really is a cute card. And thanks for sharing your talent.
I'm glad you were able to get the downloads. Unfortunately for us Mac users we can't get the downloads and can't even update our Gypsy now. I'm so disappointed in ProvoCraft right now and I am not alone!!

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Lisa this is an adorable card! I am sorry you are having some issues and hope that all will work out well for you. Thanks for sharing your talent with us today.

LiveLaughScrap said...

No apolgies necessary!! We are all there at one time or another. Super cute card!! TFS,

Kimberli said...

I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough time! Your card is adorable, what a great idea!

Java Jen's Creations said...

If you hadn't said anything, we would never have known! :-) We can all certainly understand times like this - we have all experienced them!! Thanks for sharing your adorable card!! Love the sentiment!! Praying that everything works out for you and your family!

Barb Craft said...

This card is adorable!! I have not tried this cart out yet... but may just need to now!!
Barb :)

Celeste B. said...

How super cute!!! Love it, TFS! :)

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Well, for not being prepared, this turned out just adorable..

Audrey Frelx said...

Lisa, great job! This is so cute!

Unknown said...

Some times the best crafts are made at the last minute!! Very cute card ~ I haven't even used this cart yet! Sorry to hear you have life happening and interrupting your craft time! Hope things get better soon!

Beatriz Farquhar-Guzman said...

Adorable! Thanks for sharing

flowerdisco said...

your card is super....but just remember your family ALWAYS comes first. this is a is fun but still a hobby and it can wait. :) hugs and I wish you well. said...

I agree with Lori, at the last minute some of the greates crafts are made! great job. And like Flowerdisco stated "family ALWAYS comes first".. hope all is well!

Becky Roper said...

I love it!

imafarmgirl said...

Honey, you don't need to apologize. We all have moments where the world comes crashing down. Please know this community will support ya-in the thick or thin. Best wishes to you and your family. imfarmgirl