November 7, 2010

School Projects

School projects are so much fun but even more so when 3 of us get together and mix in craft elements a Gypsy and a Cricut.... Now that adds up to a lot of fun!!! Meet my little Sydney, she is in first grade and needed to complete her school project on Spider Webs. Her teacher wanted to give the children an opportunity to feel different textures.
Well here I am after my Sunday nap with Sydney (don't laugh at my funky sleep hair). Every Sunday after church I change into my grubs and take a little nap and I love it after a hard week, you should try it as it is really refreshing. Oops back to the project Sydney was busy writing facts about webs on the poster board.

This is her Mommy, my daughter Jennifer helping.
The project was started with Sydney spraying glitter on the spider web. The big web had a heavy texture to it as it was made of felt and was actually a table runner that we stapled on the poster board. This made the web glisten. The two little black items on the grass are spiders from Doodle Charms.
Then Sydney got the white web material that you see all over during Halloween and spread that out to also apply to the poster.
The ribbon was also a black lace material woven in the shape of spider webs. Jennifer used my pink ATG to adhere the white webs to the board.
Sydney learned how to use the Xyron by running a spider through it and then we place a string on the glued area and covered it with the other side of the spider so that it had a front and back. In the photo above I am showing Sydney how to use tweezers to place the google eyes on it.
Here she is placing the little google eyes on him, she put two on each side.
Here is the poster almost completed. After looking at it she decided she needed a bug as she learned the purpose of the web is to catch bugs for the spider to eat.
Here is Sydney working my Gypsy Woman!!!
She used skittles for the top of the bug.
Close up of her beautiful face, she looked up just as I clicked.
Our completed bug! Isn't he handsome?
And Mr. Spider says yummy lunch is served!!! YUCKY!

We finished the afternoon off with some SPOOKY ORANGE hot chocolate with plenty of frothy whip cream on the top. It looked like a witches brew with the steam coming up!
Well I hope you enjoyed today's family project, we sure enjoyed having you in our home. Thanks for your sweet words of encouragement, I know Sydney will be thrilled with your comments!


Joyce said...

Great project, Sydney!! Looks A+ to me!
We take pics and scrap our moments, but truly it's those warm memories in a grandmother's heart that last forever! You have a beautiful family!

Dana said...

I think Sydney did a great job on her project and the best part was that she got to work with the two of you. Bonding time...that's what it is all about.
Question do you make Spooky Orange Hot Chocolate?


Sandi Clarkson said...

Oh, my goodness! This is the cutest post I have ever seen in all of blogland! Sydney, what a great porject you have going on there! Love the web and all the glitzy elements you added! What a hungry spider you have there with the cutest little bug .. oh, poor bug! Anyway, I bet your teacher will be really impressed. Tell your GRam that it is about time for my regular Sunday nap too!

papillon digital design said...

This is beyond cute. The project as well the lovely family!! Warm my toes Cute!!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Great job on your project Sydney. You definitely take after grandma in the talent.

Stacy said...

I think Sydney did an awesome job, way to go!
This is such a cute project.
Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Great web Sydney! What a wonderful family project!
I LOVE the bug :-) Thanks for sharing

BugHappy! from cmb

lovemypaper said...

Very nice project!

tt.scraps said...

Looks like a lot of fun and a great project! What a way to end the project too...nice hot cocoa! :)

Debbie said...

Sydney's spider web project turned out great, and it looks like the three of you had a great time!

Audrey Frelx said...

How fun!!! You and Sydney look to be having a wonderful time together!!! It must be wonderful to have grandchildren!!!

The "Mr. Spider" is cute!

I'll have to try that relaxing on Sundays; I need some R&R lately!

mfc.melissamade2 said...

I love this project!! So much fun - and your hair looks gorgeous my dear!!

Barb Craft said...

Sheila... It is so great seeing your family working together on this project!! Your sweet granddaughter looks like she was having so much fun and her project turned our fantastic!! But best of all... she has some great memories with her mom and grandma!! Priceless!!
barb :)

Cricut Couple said...

The Projects are amazing! Looks like so much fun! I wanna play too!!!

Anonymous said...

What a sophisticated looking project. I don't remember school projects looking anywhere near that good. Great job.

Angi Barrs said...

What an awesome school project. Love it. I bet she had the cutest one in the whole class. And I love those little naps after church too. My fave thing to do on a Sunday afternoon. LOL

Bamabel said...

What an amazing job! Yall look like yall are having a ball too!

Debby said...

Family is what it's all about. I loved looking at all your pics of Sydney, you and her mom working on her project. Sydney is a beautiful little girl and she has a a great project, plus wonderful bonding time with mom and grandma. Thanks for sharing.