May 1, 2010

Always Make An Extra Flower From Your Projects

Make an extra flower or two so you can easily put together the scraps from your projects to make beautiful cards and they will be perfectly coordinated! Lets face it we spend a lot of time choosing our papers for each page we make, why would we throw out the scraps? A flower or left over embelishment will easily pull the look together. Today is National Scrapbooking Day so I am sure you will be working on many wonderful projects so be sure to make an extra from your scraps.
Hubby was going to help me clean up and was going to toss these papers in the garbage. Fortunately I rescued the paper and now have a little card to add a note to.
I added a few scraps of fibre to complete the look.
I took this photo just so you could see a close up of this beautiful paper from My Minds Eye Home stack. I used it on my Slainte page and it cut like butter. I just love it. Note the glitter pages took 2 times through.
I took my scraps and put in the little baggie and assembled the card in less than 5 minutes. Notice the flowers the one on the left is a spare flower from Plantin and the right is a spare flower cut from George.
Now that turned out pretty didn't it?
And I even decorated the inside.
This is a close up of the front of the card so you can see how glittery it is. I hope you like todays card. Registered & Protected
Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement. You comments always inspire me and motivate me to continue designing and sharing with you.


Robyn said...

That is beautiful!! I see that you posted this over an hour ago. How did you know that was what our challenge was going to be? :)

papillon digital design said...

Beautiful job. I love the colors.
I do save my scraps but somehow most of the times forget to look in that pile.

Barb Craft said...

I always love all your pointers!! You are so wise!! Doing the small things along the way can really save time in the long run!!
Barb :)