May 23, 2010

WE HAVE A CART WINNER!!! +3 Others Get Gifts Too

How exciting! The Winner of a brand new ProvoCraft Lovestruck Cartridge is Cuddlybunny at Not A Moment To Spare. Cuddlebunny says she is not a fan of summer on her post. Take a look at this card she made.... I know the truth. She secretly loves summer too, and all those wonderful barbeques we enjoy all summer long!
But there was so many absolutely beautiful Summer Challenge Entries I felt I had to give 3 more gifts! Thank you - Thank You to everyone who entered.  I was plesantly surprised at how many people did enter this challenge because it is a lot of work, and you really do put yourself out there when you do. So I added 3 additional gifts! This was such a hard choice to make.
Winners of a set of Creative Memories Journaling kit and Creative Memories fine black marking pen are:
Chelle from at Stampin and Scrapin with this wonderful watermelon card. I mean really how can you not think o watermelon when you think of summer:?
BeebeeBabs from Beebeebabs Gallery who made this wonderful Seashore stairstep card. TO THE BEACH is my battle cry!
And finally MelissaMade from the Cricut Message Board with this beautiful candle for sitting out on the patio on those beautiful summer evenings! My handsome hubby and I sit out almost every evening to share our day... this is a must have for every summer lover.
Join me in congratulating our winners and thanking ALL the people that entered. It was so much fun seeing all your wonderful designs! Please keep watching us for challenges in the future!
Please email me at with your name and address so I can get your gift in the mail this week so you and you can start creating!
Thank you again for your sweet word of encouragement! All these ladies I'm sure will agree with me, that it is because of your kind comment we keep designing and sharing with you. Have a great day.


Melissa said...

Beautiful projects ladies! Congratulations!!!

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Yay, CuddlyBunny!! Congrats, I love your bbq card. Thanks Sheila for the opputunity and your amazing to pick three others for gifts! I love your blog and will check back often. Thanks again! -MelissaMade

Beebeebabs said...

Hi Sheila I am one of the winners and I am having so much trouble sending my information. Maybe I can give you my email address and I will reply with my info.

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

BeeBeebabs, the email address is correct now! I am sooo sorry, guess thats what I get when I type when I am tired!!! Congratultions and try now.

Beebeebabs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Misha said...

Congrats Cuddlebunny! I actually went out and got the cart so I could scraplift your card for a Memorial Day bar-b-que we're having. And, thanks to you, Sassy for doing this giveaway. I'm so glad I found your blog.

Beebeebabs said...

Sorry about that I made a mistake and put my pw on the email so I removed it.

Thanks again Shesasassylady

Audrey Frelx said...

These ladies did a beautiful job on their projects!!! Congratulations, ladies!!

Unknown said...

Congrats ladies!! What great summer time projects!!!

flowerdisco said...

love all the projects...what a nice time I had. Thanks Sheila!

papillon digital design said...

congratulations to the winners. That was sure a tough choice as each card was so nice..Love the projects.

CuddlyBunny said...

WOW! I'm absolutely stunned! And just a wee bit E.X.C.I.T.E.D!

Congrats to everyone who won, and so, so many thanks to Sheila!

Jodie R said...

Wow! I am so ready for summer after seeing these amazing projects! I can only imagine how much fun Shiela had looking at all of the entries! Congratulations, ladies and Shiela, thank you for such a great contest!

I'm off to the store for steaks and corn on the cob now!

Barb Craft said...

Oh My Word there were some seriously amazing entries!! Everyone did such a fabulous job!! Congrats to the winners!!
Barb :)

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Awesome entries... congrats to everyone... hoping to be able to play soon.

Beebeebabs said...

Thank you all for the kind words and Thank you so much Sheasassylady for being so generous. This is my second challenge I participated in and the first time I won something. I look forward for the next one and BTW I still like your hat lol.


June said...

No wonder you had such a hard time deciding!! These are absolutely wonderful!! Great Job everyone and congrats!!!!

Michelle said...

Congrats ladies!!!!

SherriC. said...

Congrats winners, That BBQ is amazing!!!!

SherriC. said...

congrats ladies, you deserve it, and thanks Sassy for this great giveaway!!!!