May 1, 2010

Baby Elephant Card- NSD #4

Isn't he handsome? I have been working on cards as of late, especially shaped cards as I try to hone my skills. This baby elephant is from New Arrivals a cart that I had to have this is the 2nd time I am using in a year! I bought the cart when we found out our youngest daughter was pregnant. Well little Aiden is now 9 months old and the last time I used this card is for his Christening. The paper and matching ribbon is from Stampin'Up, its a part of this years spring papers.
Here is my Gypsy screen and as you can see it is a SIMPLE design and cut. The next will have a cut an additional elephant and glue to the back... I just think it would look nicer.
The mat, 1 cut with the scraps I had on hand.
And you know I packed it in a little baggie complete with the eyes so it would be ready for a time when I could just sit down and complete.... Yeah today is the day and guess what it took only minutes to cut and five to put together. Note if you do this have all your parts in your baggie and make sure your card base is scored and folds properly so you won't deal with a problem when you finally get to put your kit together.
All I did was assemble the pieces and viola we have a cute little card that you can stamp any sentiment on with plenty of room to write a note if you prefer. This is one of those projects that takes longer to pick out paper than put together.
Isn't he cute? Thanks for spending a couple of minutes with me today. I hope you learned something. Have a great day. Registered & Protected
Thanks for your sweet words of encouragement, your comments continue to inspire me.


My Serendipity said...

Very sweet card! I may need to remember this one when I need a baby shower card or birthday card for a little one :) I love the colors too!

Jen Green said...

I love the eyes. This is such an adorable card.

Simply Pam said...

Very cute card! I love it! I love the different colors of the elephant. Great job!!! Thanks for participating in the challenge!


Kassidy said...

Super Cute Card:) Love it!

flowerdisco said...

cute elephant and nice tut Sheila!

Sharon said...

Oh how cute! :)

Audrey Frelx said...

OMG, Sheila! This card is super cute! That lil elephant is way too adorable!!!

Unknown said...

I have just discovered your blog and am totally in love with this card!! SOOO freakin cute! Thanks for the new inspiration!

papillon digital design said...

lovely card .Those eyes gets you

Anonymous said...

That is adorable!!! I know what you mean about having to have carts & then not getting much use out of them. I have several that I had to have, but I'm not sure I've even used them once!

I left you an award over on my blog. Stop by to pick it up sometime.

Unknown said...

What a cute card!! I love the coordinating papers & ribbon!! The eyelashes are adorable too!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Oh Shelia he is just too cute, love the paper you used... adorable

Jana said...

So very cute. I need to go back and take a second look at that cart.

Unknown said...

I love the fun color and pattern this has! I will have to look for some cute googly eyes like that!

Barb Craft said...

I LOVE your cute little elephant shaped card!! And the papers you used are super fun!!
Barb :)